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This is how it usually starts, doesn't it? The conversations lessen, the talks aren't numerous anymore, the laughs get quiet, the humour fades taking away with it the trust and the affection. The hugs are shorter, deprived from emotion, the long nights that would be spent having fun with each others slowly disappear..
And then... the friendship that once held two best friends scrambles into pieces on the hard floor of separation...

Just thinking about it makes your eyes steal all the water from your throat doesn't it? And soon, the only thing you're conscious about is the tear that is falling from your eye, rolling down your cheek caressing it all the way down with her, only to stop right at your jaw, waiting for another to come down and push it right on the sheet of paper you're confiding in.

The only thing you can think about late at night in your bed is all the memories that once were realities... Everything you had together now vanished away in the thick air of the past... What can you do about it though? Nothing.


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