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Death can escape from life though, but never the other way around. If given another chance, spend it wisely, for even doctors are unable to bring the dead alive again. You were rewarded if given another chance, so take it, and use it with care, and say goodbyes to those who couldn't before.

The tears fell from her eyes, staining her cheeks. The water bellow taunting her, and voicing her concerns. She wasn't alone, the rest of the Avengers were behind her, trying to comfort her, while in their own grief and sadness. A sad day, once again for them, tearing them apart, and destroying them once again.
Or that's what she thought. It was an absolutely devastating day for her, the poor fish now floating in the toilet, just about to be flushed, "no pumpkin! " She wailed, bending down by the rim like she was going to scoop him out, and demand he comes back to life, "why did you leave me?! " Behind her stood the other Avengers, trying to to laugh at this spectical.
They had gotten Midnight the pet fish, after growing annoyed from her relentless begging, only for her to kill the goldfish 3 days later, for not feeding it. They couldn't really blame her though, she was still young, and had never had a pet fish, or learned anything about them. So now there sat the young girl, mourning over a fish, that she had known for 2 days, and had given it the name pumpkin. The thing was, she still had the dog, and also the cat, that she had begged for even more times than she did for the fish.
Though after the death of the fish, the Avengers had decided to take it upon themselves to take care of the other 2 animals, knowing very well that midnight here wouldn't remember too. Tony, the one who lost the bet, had to go and flush the poor fish down the toilet, and drag the young girl up from the ground. Of course, with the toilet being flush, sent the girl being angry at the grown man.
"How dare you flush Pumpkin! I wasn't done saying goodbye! " She beat at his chest with her small fist, determined to teach him a lesson.
He looked down at her, then at the rest of his team, "really? I seriously had to be the one to do this? " The rest just nodded, laughing some more. Everything was my much more livelier now, without enemies kidnapping Midnight, and she was alive when they thought she was dying. She was alive, and with them, they couldn't be any happier.

440 words

Sentence of the story:
Old scares can hurt for some time, but new wounds can tear them apart over and over again.


The night can be just as beautiful as the morning.  You just have to stay up late enough to see it. The night has the moon,  and the stars.  Just wait till midnight, because at midnight, is when the real show starts.
The stars will be dancing in the sky, waiting for you to join them. The moon is your personal spot light, shining down on you, and highlighting your every move.The stars will sing you a laluby, and the ground will comfort your head. For when midnight comes, you will be safe once again.When it comes to play, remember my dear, that i am here for you. Ill comfort you when your sad, and be your punching bag when your mad. Ill hold you close to me, till the world crumble beneath us. Even when the world is gone, I'll stay with you. For I am the curse that bounds you to this earth, but am the gift that allows you to save those you wish. So don't fret my dear, for I am not gone yet. I will never be gone. As long as you live, then I exist. Once your dead, I'll seek out the next child. Tortured into silence, yet treated into kindness. I am the one who gives you a broken heart, but teaches you for the future. For no one can escape death. Death can escape from life though, but never the other way around. If given another chance, spend it wisely, for even doctors are unable to bring the dead alive again. You were rewarded if given another chance, so take it, and use it with care, and say goodbyes to those who couldn't before.

Sorry for such the late part. Some things happened a d so yhea.... But here's the last one! I just
Hope u liked the story!

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