but new wounds

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The stars will sing you a laluby, and the ground will comfort your head. For when midnight comes, you will be safe once again.

   A sharp pain allerted her of something not being right. The pain flowed from her ankle, up her leg. It hurt, but she had grown used to pain by now. She slowly got up off the ground, the pain only increasing upon the weight. Her different colored eyes danced across the surface of the room, the rubble clear. Chunks of the cement roof blocking the door, leaving the room in darkness. Small holes in the walls proved that her room had received less damage.
      Worry filled her, blocking out the blinding pain. She didn't know if her new friends were ok, and from the looks of it, the reckage, was just like the kind those machines made. It looked like her old home, it reminded her of it. Tears filled her eyes, as she stumbled back from the door, hitting into the wall on the other side.not again, she couldnt have it of happened again. What was she supposed to do? She couldnt get out. Her bottom lip started to wobble, tears falling down her cheeks.
     Did she only bring destruction? What of became to the avengers? Did they too fall at the hands of this destruction, or were they spared? Her hands covered her mouth, bitting back the sob that tried making it's way through her lips. She couldn't cry. She had to find her way out of here, but her body refused to follow her commands. Unknown to her, her ankle wasnt the only injury she might have. Her shoulder was unknowingly popped out of place, bruises littered her body, her ribs cracked and broken, cuts ran the length of her body, and her eyes were dilated not responding to the light.
      Her small body shook, with the quited sobs. She didn't know what to do, and at this point, she wished someone would come and save her. Though she didn't expect her wish to actually happen, it was greatly appreciated. A man, his hair combed back, with green eyes now stood before her. Despite all the warnings normally given to her, she quickly hugged him, trying, and begging him to help her.
      "Shhhh. Its okay little one." The man whispered. His voice sounded like silk, easing ger distress, and comforting the small girl. "Look around, we aren't there anymore." He bent down, tilting the girls head up. Sure enough they weren't in the underground facility anymore, but instead somewhere else entirely. It looked like a garden, trees and flowers surrounding the path the two were on. A bench behind them, and it all was quite. She took comfort in it, and in the man.
      "Dont leave me. Please. But don't get hurt due to me." Surprise must if shown on the mans face, for she then hugged him once again, "i don't care for the trouble you have caused, or the pain you have brought, everyone deserves a second chance." The words had sounded rehearsed, like maybe he wasn't the first person to hear them from her. He was right, for she had uttered these same words to the people who had her before.
       "Surely not everyone." Was his response, not believeing that he was capable of being forgiven.
       She looked up at him, her head tilted to the side a bit, "why can it not be?" She asked. Everyone, in her mind, could do so much wrong, that they couldn't be forgiven.
     His intrest had peaked, causing him to look down at her curious gaze, "because some cause so much hurt, that it can't be erased."
      "Yet that's the past is it not?" She wasted no time in responding, " Sure, you can't change the past, but you can change your future."
       The mischievous god chuckled lightly, trying to hide how much that actually meant to him. He picked the girl up, walking along the path, to find the exist. "Whats that supposed to do though? For the past still affects the future."
       The young girl furiously shook her head no, "not true. " She said, her curious gaze now set in a determined one, "the past only forms who we are, it's up to us, if we allow it to interfere in our lives ahead of us. Its up to us if we decide it can belong in our future to. Our past only affects how we act, our personalities, and what we decide to happen."
      "But some pasts leake into the future, does it not?" The god asked, as his footsteps softly paded at the ground.
       "Why do you believe you are not capable of being forgiven?" The midnight dark haired girl asked, "i can see, even when you laugh and smile, that you are not ok."
      He was taken aback to say the least. No one, not one person was able to tell this. "What makes you say that?"
        "For your mask can only hide so much. Your eyes still hold all the emotion you feel, even if it's not shown. " The small girl hugged this dark haired man, "you deserve more than you believe. Your past means nothing, it matters what you do with your life after it."
        "Do i really though?" He asked, not really believing it.
         She looked at him, her face devoided of emotion once again, "have you mr. Forgotten who you were before the world told you who you are supposed to be? "
          For once, his laugh was genuine, for this girl somehow made him happy, "you know your pretty smart for a 10 year old."
           "And your pretty naive for an immortal." She sassed back, her pain still not registering in her mind.
        He was surprised, could this girl really know who he was?   "How do you know im an immortal?"
        Her mind started thinking. That was a good question, that she had no clue of, "i dont know, it just came to mind. " She admitted to him honestly.
       This girl seemed to keep surprising him. Not many could do that. He shooked his head, clearong his mind, "lets get you cleaned and healed up." She snuggled into his warmth once again, "you know, you talk a lot for someone so quite."
        "Theres some things that is important for some to hear. Sometimes, its the quite ones who knows it."

'I'm sorry, but i forgot who i was. I should follow my own advice'

1079 words.

Will you look at that a new part! And also side note. I know loki here seems kinda not in character, but, im in a mythology class, and we r learning about norse mythology (where loki originates from) right now, and i feel like marvld didn't do the best job at portraying him, so i am writing him of how i see him, a mix between marvle and mythology! Hope u like this part!

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