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Warning: There is mention of violence, torture, abuse, and gorey things. dont read if anyof this can or is a trigger for you.

Even when the world is gone, I'll stay with you. For I am the curse that bounds you to this earth, but am the gift that allows you to save those you wish. So don't fret my dear, for I am not gone yet.

The only true fear, was the fear of being alone. No one, not a living person for her to see, hear, or be reminded of that she was still breathing. Was she still alive, or was this just the time after death? Did she finally collapse? Did she finally fall into that if deaths grip. Maybe that man was right, maybe it was her destiny to die. That scared her, for what would happen to everyone that cared for her? What would happen when she left them, to only have a cold body to see.
The air refused to fill her lungs, allowing g her to suffocate. The unseen walls closed in on her, trapping her, filling her with the paranoia of small spaces. Hot tears started to travel down her cold cheeks. No, she couldn't be dead yet, for she could still feel, she knew the pain that she endured. She wasn't dead, and she couldn't die yet. She couldn't, yet that seemed like the only option. Her breathes came in short rapid breaks, not giving her enough oxygen.
She tried to focus, feel the cold metal against her wrist, recognize the hot tears that sat upon her cheeks. She remembered the ruff floor beneath her knees, and experienced the stinging pain surrounding her body. She was still alive, and that's all that mattered, but she had to escape now. Staggering to her feet surprisingly took more energy than she remembered, almost leaving her breathless. Her arms were pulled behind her, the chain tightening upon her movement. It dragged her back more, and with every pull, it would continue to shorten.
Back and back, less length, every time she would yank on the chain. At some point it would have to reach an end, right? That would allow her to pull from its grasps? Sure enough it did, it didn't have anymore length for her to have, now resulting in her back being pressed up against a wall. Her teeth hitting the inside of her cheek, she refused to submit to the pain coursing through her. Her foot braced upon the wall behind her, she pulled, and yanked, until she heard a breaking sound, and metal landing upon the ground.
The heterochromatic eyed girl slumped to the ground, panting. She didn't know if her lungs were receiving enough air, or if they were just being greedy, but she didn't care. Her lungs could have as much air as they wished for, if it meant it would allow her to escape. After a few, she managed to push herself back to her feet. Every step taken seemed she was just one moment away from falling. The wall didn't provide much than just a guide for her, yet she was thankful for it none the less.
Brick after brick passed underneath her hand, scraping the fragile skin underneath it, adding to the multitude of injuries adorning her body. Her eyes scanned everything around her, but nothing was given to her, being to dark. To feel the cold metal of a door was welcomed, but also feared. Something, or someone could be waiting behind it, just waiting for it to be opened. She hesitated, her fingers bearly brushed against the handle, as she just stared at it, wondering if it would be opened before she opened it. Slowly, she grasped the handle, and pulled it open. Instantly in a fighting stance, she waited for an unknown attack to come, but none did.
It was all very odd to her, why did they leave no guard, or no lock to be placed upon the door? Surely her breaking the chains would result in some sort of alarm, right? One step after another, she walked into the lit up hallway, eyes looking for anything, a camera, weapon, guards. Something, anything. Just a single thing to let her know she wasn't dreaming, that she wasn't imaginging this. She needed this to be real, to be the end of this hellish torture. Yet at the same time, not a single fiber of her being could allow her to believe it was real.
She didn't know where she was, or where she was going, but she hoped, she would somehow manage to make it out. But that's just wishful thinking right? For surely if she was to make it out, she wouldn't have a hand grasped around her neck. Legs and arms dangling, with nothing but air to be under her feet.
The excess chain dragged on the floor, as that same voice whispered in her ear, "did you really think that I would let you go that easily? " It was the same crazed sounding voice, that would haunt her dreams forever. It was the voice of the man, that had put her through this hell. His tanned hand held her throat tightly from behind, giving her no room for air.
Scratching and scratching, nothing of her doing was helping. Her lungs screamed, burning for the sweet cool air that once filled her them. Her heart pounded, being heard in her ears. Her blood stealing the oxygen that she had, taking it to the rest of her muscles that didn't need it. She kicked her legs, and pulled on his hand, trying but failing to get him to let go.
" But I guess you could be of some use to me. " He told her, an evil smirk planted on his lips, though she couldn't see it. He started walking, taking many twists and turns, only loosining his grip on her throat when she was close to passing out. "Now stay up will you? I have a very important job for you to do, and I couldn't have you sleeping on the job. "
The light from outside was blinding, temporarily handicapping her. But when she could see, she wished she couldn't. At that time, she wished she never left that room, for being alone was better than this. Across a battlefield of her, was the Avengers. The very same ones that had risked everything to protect her. The ones that we're also now loosing. The man laughed, laughed because seeing this hell and torture for her, was so ammusing.
"I'll die, I'll break, I'll do whatever you want, just stop, pl-" She never got to finish her plea, for the hand that had remained loose up till now, once again tightened around her throat again, cutting all oxygen, and hope of it off. So she sat there struggling, struggling to breathe, to survive, because the reality was, she still couldn't allow herself to die.

1140 words

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me! Yes hi! I'm back, I'm not sick anymore, got an update out on this story, and it's my birthday. Yes it's on April first..... The best day to prank people, and be the target of all pranks. Well I hope u have a good day/night, and hoped u enjoyed this! Either 1 or 2 more parts till the end. Peace!

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