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I will never be gone. As long as you live, then I exist. Once your dead, I'll seek out the next child. Tortured into silence, yet treated into kindness. I am the one who gives you a broken heart, but teaches you for the future. For no one can escape death.

   She looked broken, her face divoided of any emotion, yet her eyes screaming out that same pain. They could see the old bruises that already covered her neck, they could spot the dried tears on her face. She was suffocating, but not just because of the hand crushing her wind pipes, the fear of the reality came crushing down on her lungs. She couldn't do anything, and that's what scared her the most.
      She stared wide eyed at them, the already bleeding hero's. The ones that risked their lives to save strangers. They were broken, despite the public not knowing it. She did though, she knew it, could sense it. It didn't take a genius to see the haunting pain and memories in their eyes whenever they looked at her. She reminded them of someone, and she knew it.
    She didn't know what it was, maybe it was simply the over bearing reality that finally made her snap. Maybe it was the ever so present fear that made her break. Maybe it was the pressuring responsibility that shoved her down the rest of the way. Whatever it was, something changed in her. She stopped her struggle to breath, stopped the silent tears that started to fall down her cheeks, stopped her trembling, and silent. She stopped it all, an unreadable expression on her face.
       An over powering shockwave of gold crashed into everyone, sending them all flying back, except one. There she was, climbing back to her feet after being dropped. Her hair defying gravity as it softly floated around her. Herface held an intense galre, but what surprised them all was the gold that danced in her eyes. The gold that made her piercing eyes glow. Her tiny fists where clasped in fists, and her feet spread hip length apart. For a split second, a flicker of the girl they met 10 years ago appeared, and then more beyond that, growing younger each time.
    The eight year old deceased girl gave a soft smile, before fading away again, before a six year old girl with brown hair appeared, waving slightly at the man who started this whole mess. Lastly, a four year old girl stood there, she sported a blue mixed with green eye, and also a silver colored eye. Her hair faded from blue to black to brown, going to her feet. She wore the saddest smile of all, before she to disappeared.
     Aww, wonder, sadness. The crushing reality of everyone's fears held in their very hearts. The pain that was long forgotten rising back up. The old scar reopened, and once again bleeding. That wasn't the end though. Oh, it was not. There were still enemies, standing, and proud, believing that they were close to winning. For surely, a little girl couldn't be that powerful.
      Small tears ran down their path, staining her cheeks even more. "Stop. Be gone. I don't want you here. " The small broke  voice of hers was bearly heard, and yet it was like she was the only one talking. She was quite yet loud, shy yet fierce. She spoke, and her words were heard, traveling across everyone, allowing them to hear, before they existed no more.
    She tried to stand, to go to the hero's that meant so much to her. A stumbling step towards them, then another, before she came crashing down. The ground craddled her head, seeing as it was the only thing under her. A few seconds ticked by, before she was surrounded.
     "Midnight. " She heard a soft voice say, none like she heard before. It was quite, like it hadn't been used in years, "take care of them for me. We will make sure that you get to live. Enjoy your life, and live for us, the ones who couldn't. " A blue shimmer was seen to her, the same blue haired girl from earlier crouched down, softly letting her hair, "live for us please. " A soft kiss upon her head was the last thing she felt, before her eyes closed, letting the darkness envelop her in it's care.

"Don't cry, for I'm not someone to be cried over. Goodbye, and live for us, for we are still here, watching over you, you are not alone."

758 words

Sorry for the short part, but I have one more chapter to write, and I don't need to finish the story in this part. Also, now you guys know better as to why you should have read the first story before this one. Noticed, I used a line from it? Which is it I wonder do you know? Bye for now! I should get the last part out soon, I hope!

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