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Warning: There is mention of violence, torture, abuse, and gorey things. dont read if anyof this can or is a trigger for you.

When it comes to play, remember my dear, that i am here for you. Ill comfort you when your sad, and be your punching bag when your mad. Ill hold you close to me, till the world crumble beneath us.

The girl stayed curled up in the gods arms, her eyes full of caution. She was counting them, one, two, three, four. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Bruce. Each one of them important, having became part if her world. While everyone who met her fell in love, she pulled them in, and held them close. They were all her lifelines, because she was drowning in a sea of chaos.
     "I-is that really her?" Tony, the appearantly smart one, asked, not sure if ut could be true. He was the only one brave enough to break the silence that had settled over them. But the silence was like a blanket for her, something to cling onto, to keep her warm.
        The god nodded, hugging her closer, and looking down upon her, " Loki found her, and treated for her injuries. He then told me to protect her. He told us we all have to. " The deep rumble coming from his chest soothed the girl. It was relaxing, being here in his arms, she was warm, and comfortable, providing her saftey. 
       As the people talked around her, her eyes slowly drifted close. She was tired, sleep never seemed to come easy for her, and normally when it did, it was plagued by the memories. This time though, maybe it would be different. Maybe she could actually get some sleep, real sleep, not the illusion of sleep.

    Things weren't right, where they ever? Whenever she actually got real sleep, something always seemed to go wrong for her. Maybe she was just bad luck? A small yawn excapped her lips, the blurry vision from just waking up was still there. It was better this way, she was given more time of that blissful innocence, before she would have to start worrying, Though, when the spell was over, she was left paniced. Her surroundings resulted to be nothing like the avenger tower, or anywhere she had been in the past days. It was dark, and cold. No blanket, or pillow, just a cold metal cot. The ground was cemant, the walls bricks. A single bulb hung from the celling, flickering everynow and then. The door was metal, bars connecting two parts giving a bit of a window. She treaded carefully, soft steps took her towards that exact door. Her breath catching in her throat, trying her best to stay quite. The smell of that room was foul, like more than one thing had died in here.
    A loud sound rung through the small area, the girl jumping, then falling. Her eyes showed fear, her face did not. The normally emotionless girl tried her best, but nothing could hide the emotion that alwaysstayed in her eyes. She stared at that door, daring it to open. She looked like a feral animal, crouched down on the ground, ready to bolt at any moment notice. She wasn't wrong for doing this, for soon, the door did open. In came people. Strange people. A few dressed in lab coats, and others in all black. They all wore hoods and masks, coving their features. All but one, he instead only wore a hat, giving him the feel of being the one in charg. He had tanned skin, that complimented his dark green eyes. His dark brown hair was pulled into a low ponytail, that suggested he kept it somewhat long. upon seeing her, his lips curved into that of a sadistic smil, his eyes looked crazed, warning her that he was not right in the head,
   " Oh little girl." He called, walking closer, "You're a strange one, are you not? managed to take down one of our ships, survived two attacks that destroyed everything around you and also killed every living thing within a certain radius. Tell me, how did you survive? "  Every word he said, would bring him closer to the girl, who scooted back more, trying to not be near that man. 
    She set her face into that of a death stare, if she could hide her emotions on a normal day basis, then she should be able to fake one, correct? "Leave me alone." She demanded, and upon those words, caused what would trigger the rest of her destiny. There is no running from it, and yet, she so despratly tried, didn't everyone though? Her eyes gave off a faint glow, drawing ttention to her silver one.
     The mans smile grew, if it was ossible, "Oh but of course. Your eyes. Of course, why didnt i see it sooner?" In one swift movement, the man was infront of her, griping her jaw, and forcing her eyes to look at him. Completely oppisite from the hand he was holding her head with, he genty pushed her hair out of her eyes, to reveal them better. "It was staring me right in the face was it not. Silver is such a rare color to find in eyes, paired with that of a diffrent color. Everything about you is all a bit weird, your dark dark hair, the pale skin." He continued to examine her, his grip upon her jaw tightening. "It makes me wonder, how easily could you bruise? Hmmm? How easily could your bones break? How fragile are you? If you can survive all those attacks, one would believe you aren't fragile, but in new light, you can very well be the most ragile person in the world. Born with such a strong power, yet destined to die young. They all have, so what would make you diffrent?" He stood up from his crouched position, letting go of the poor girl for the time being. " You aren't special, just cursed." He soon hissed, then came the stinging pain that started from her back and envoloped her. She had been thrown against a wall, but that wouldn't be the last of what she would have to suffer through.
     The man was infront of hr again, lifting her up by the throat, "Oh little girl, who do you wish to save you from this cruel fate? Who do you wish would come, to help you excape this death fated destiny? A hero perhaps, or maybe one born of evil?" He cut off the young girls air supply, as she tried but failed to scratch his hands off. " Who do you see coming in your sleep? Who is it that you call for in your times of need. Tell me who, so that I may break them infront of your very eyes, then kill them. Let me torture them till they despise you, and are begging for death. For you don't deserve to live, when the countless others before you had to suffer so much, before they too had to die. You don't deserve to enjoy a life, or to see the sun any more. This curse you have will fill your life with dispair, before driving you into that of deaths grip. It's your detstiny, just like everyone elses before you. Then the cycle will continue, time and time again. "
      She struggled, blackspots starting to dance upon her vision, "N-no." She finally stutterd out. It wasn't much more than a whisper at most, but it was enough to fill this crazed mans ears.
     "Whats that?!" The grip tighted around her throat. His eyes filled with anger, as he threw her to the ground. " You dont get a chose little girl, for even if the curse won't do it, then I will make sure it happens myself." The people who had entered the room with the man still hung infront of the door waiting, it seemed, for a comand. The man stood above the girl, " You don't have a choice!" HE kicked her side, allowing herself to curl in on herself, before kicking her again, and again.
     "I. will. not. die." she said, ignoring that pain that continued to grow. " I. wont. die. you will. not kill. me. "
      The mans anger grew, his previous action stopped now. " Oh yes you will." He hissed out to her, " Take her to lab. I expect her to be broken when i come to check on her. I want her crying and grovling at my feet. " They moved in sync, almost like they were robots. A simple nod, as they moved forward, seizing her wrists, and dragging her out of the room. All the while, a glare was upon her face, somehow managing to give the crazed man shivers.

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