for some time

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The stars will be dancing in the sky, waiting for you to join them. The moon is your personal spot light, shining down on you, and highlighting your every move.

She didnt know what was happening in the world around her. It wasn't like she cared much. Right now, her life wasn't full of pain, or memories, and thats all she cared about. Yes, it very well was selfish, but can you blame her? Her heart was broken, shattered, and was being rebuilt.
     Her cold hands grasped the older males ones, dragging him along behind her, a ghost of a smile present on her lips. "Common! We have to hide before he's done counting!"
     "Im coming, im coming." The man, was happier. Everyone was happier. This little girl with her midnight black hair seemed to bring the light that once left their hearts. She just seemed to radiate energy and joy, yet no one cared to look beyond that.
       Yes, she seemed to be the exact representation of what joy was, but it was a mask. The small smile that always rested on her lips, was just to distract everyone from the pain her eyes held. No one seemed to care to notice her smile never reached her eyes, or that when no one was looking, it was gone. It was nice here, she felt protected and safe, yet they weren't able to fill that hole where her family once laid. No one understood that she remembered the time where she had a family. They didn't understand that it was slowly tearing her apart.

   "Midnight." The words upon his lips felt smooth, the name, natching with the girl perfectly. The small tilt of the girls head as she peaked from around the corner told him she was listening. "Come here." He beckoned, using his hand to also represent this. The heterochomatic eyed girl slowly made herself over. Curiosity filled her eyes, yet she kept the same blank look on her face.
      Scooping her up, and placing her on his lap, he looked at her caringly, "you know we have done bad things. Right?" He asked, needing to know, why this girl was so friendly, and nice to everyone. It had been a week, and she was anything but caring to everyone. It surprised everyone. She nodded, "then, why aren't you afraid of us? Or hate us?" Even more confusion was apon his face. How?
     She didn't smile, or do anything to comfort the guy like most people would. Instead she let the silence fall upon the room, letting everyone in it eager, and guessing what her words may be. "Because......."

~~~ (っ·̀ω·́)っ✎⁾⁾ ~~~~~

She was different, different then her so why did they keep comparing them? Maybe they needed them to be alike, to repair themselves. But maybe it was just tearing them apart more. For the more they compared them, the more they needed this girl, to be like her, and no matter what, she never would be her.

~~~~~~ϞϞ(๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)∩~~~~~

It had been 3 weeks, and no matter where they looked, they couldn't find the girl. It was hurting them, mentally, and physically.  It was like they lost her all over again. They couldn't take it, 10 years ago, they already had to deal with the loss. They couldn't do it all over again. What they didn't know was that they had to move on, they had to move on, or this pain would do more than just hurt them, it would destroy them. Out of all the stages of grief they were in, they were stuck in the first, denial. They didn't even recognize it, and that was what tore them apart even more.

Right now, the heros were currently doing their own methods of finding the girl they managed to loose in a day. Tony and Bruce doing their scuentific, matching camra feed to real life people.steve doing his old school way, and hunting for clues, while the rest fell in with one of those to methods. Well, except for quick silver, he was simply running around the cuty to see if he can find her. The question is, who would find her first.

~~~mean while~~~~~

The midnight dark haired girl sat upon her bed, in the room given to her. It wasn't anything fancy, a bed with plain black covers, and a black desk, and drawrs. Everyone had to be busy at the time, telling the girl, "not right now, maybe later." When ever she proposed a game. It had sadden her a bit, but it didn't hurt her as much as she one would think. She was actually enjoying the silence. She didn't have to force the smile.
     Her eyes dulled slightly more, over time becoming more and more lifeless. No one realized it, thinking she was perfectly fine. Thoughts swirled in her mind, some on endless repeat. Small tears started to run down her cheeks, staining them, and then falling on the bed. A small hic up. A sniff, and then, she was sobbing. She covered her mouth with her hands, trying to muffle the sound. She couldn't breathe, air refused to go in her lungs, and her lungs refused to let any out.
     "I want them back." She mumbled, folding in on herself, trying desperately to stop the pain. She tried to stop the pain that filled her body, but nothing worked. "I want them back!" She soon shouted, anger taking over the sadness, but the sadness refusing to let it have control. "Why did they have to die?! I want them back! Let them come back!" She slammed her fist on the bed, repeatedly.
     Getting off her bed, she started slamming her fist into the wall. Her knuckles connecting with the hard concrete over and over again. Slowly her knuckles started to bleed, the blood dripping of her hand. "Make them come back!" She wailed, instead of punching the wall, she hit her head on it this time, ignoring the pain that soon followed. She let herself slide down the wall, curling in on herself, and letting the now dented wall be a pillow.
      "I just want them back." She mumbled, and there infront of her, was a slight purple shimmer, as a smile formed on her lips. For there infront of her, was her family, waving goodbye to her, before once again disappearing. Soon after her eyes drifted close, the tears drying upon her cheeks.

1079 words
Hah! I got it out! See, im doing better.

Old Scars, New Wounds Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ