Well It's Obvious, Isn't It?

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  Richard eyed Roderick with suspicion. Madeleine was more interested in the pretty girl underneath Roderick’s arm.

“Well he’s fine. So you can go,” Richard remarked as Matt moved to climb out of his bed. His body quickly protested but he ignored the pain.

“What’s your name?” Matt questioned as he kept his eyes pinned on the dark haired girl who had tried to kill him twice in the same week.

“You shouldn’t be moving all that much, Mr. Cole,” Alexa replied as she slipped from Roderick’s side. Before anyone could say anything, Alexa was next to Matt’s bed, pushing him back into bed. Her pale hand was splayed across his bruised chest, but Matt barely felt it. Her touch was so light that her hand might as well have been a part of the hospital gown he wore.

“You never told me your name,” Matt pressed as he leaned into Alexa’s touch. The rest of the room was silent as Alexa stared at Matt, transfixed. The night before he had been petrified and then furious. Now he was entranced and seemed not to care that she was sent to kill him.

“Alexa,” she whispered suddenly before Roderick ripped her away from Matt. Anger seemed to roll off of the Grim Reaper in waves. He pinned his unworldly gaze on the blonde man. Matt froze; fear kept him paralyzed.

“Come along. We’re leaving,” Roderick ordered as he dragged Alexa out of the room, leaving the Cole family alone again. Alexa shook herself as Roderick pulled her to a stop at a gazebo just outside of the hospital.

“What was that?!” Roderick growled as he clenched Alexa’s shoulders beneath his fists.

“I…” Alexa stopped. She didn’t know how to answer, because she honestly had no idea what had occurred between her and Mathias Cole. She had felt a slight haze as soon as her eyes had connected with his. She didn’t know how to explain it. Roderick stared at her expectantly.

“Alexa!” Roderick shook her briefly when he noticed a far-off expression spread across her countenance. Alexa’s eyes widened before she narrowed them onto Roderick’s worried figure.

“What are you doing, Grimm?! Un-hand me this instant! Have you completely lost your─” Alexa didn’t get to finish her rant before Roderick had engulfed her in a bone-crushing hug. Alexa frowned as she struggled to separate herself from her companion.

“Grimm!” She cried out when he wouldn’t release her.  When he suddenly released her, she stumbled back. Alexa sighed in exasperation as she attempted to straighten her clothes. She mumbled incoherent words as she worked to right her twisted corset top.

“What happened in there?” Roderick questioned as he watched her warily.

“In where?” Alexa replied when she looked up at him. Worry filled his face as she frowned.

“Grimm? What’s up? You’re wearing that shit-just-hit-the-fan look right now,” Alexa remarked. Roderick frowned before settling his face into an apologetic expression.

“I’m sorry, Lex. I need you to go home and stay there. And you’re not to go on any missions until I get back,” Roderick ordered solemnly as Alexa’s eyes widened. Worry and fear suddenly gripped her heart. Roderick had not called her ‘Lex’ since she lost her last partner to a rogue demon. That had been a hundred years ago.

“Grimm, what’s wrong?”

Go home, Alexa. That’s an order,” Roderick commanded in a booming, eerie voice. Alexa had no choice back to obey. An order from Grimm was absolute. No Reaper could disobey a direct order from the Grim Reaper. Alexa dissipated into a grey mist as Roderick stood there, unwavering. His mind raced through a million thoughts at once. However, one thought floated above all of the others. Alexa was in danger. Roderick could feel it in his bones.

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