Oh This Is Not Good

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You bring him to her? Why?” Hyas’ angry words hung heavily in the air. Death chuckled.

“An elemental coming to protect a reaper? Oh ho, Roderick, my boy, you’ve been keeping such fun news from me,” Death turned to Roderick.

“It is not what you think. Hyas, the idiot,” Roderick shot Hyas a withering glare before he returned his attention back to his sire.

“Tied himself to Alexa of his own volition,” he explained as Hyas huffed in anger. Death smirked.

“And you let this happen?”

“It happened on a mission where Alexa and her partner were ambushed by rogue demons. I wasn’t there and I can’t do anything about it now. I’m not you,” Roderick replied, annoyed the Primal was questioning his abilities. Hyas vibrated from his place behind Roderick and Raphael; his eyes kept darting from Death to Alexa.  Roderick could understand the elemental’s apprehension. After all, Alexa, for the moment, was human and Death was….well, death.

“So this young girl managed to ensnare the Grim Reaper and an elemental? My, my…” Before Death could finish his sentence, a groan escaped Alexa and her eyes fluttered open. Roderick was by her side in less than a second while Raphael held Hyas back by his elbow. The elemental glared at the arch-angel but remained still.

“Lex,” Roderick greeted softly. He watched Alexa struggle to move her own body. Relief flooded him when she turned to face him. Her eyes were still green but the black ooze had stopped.

“Grimm,” Alexa’s voice was cracked and quiet. Roderick ignored Death’s stares at his young reaper.

“What happened?” Her question hung in the air as her eyes searched Roderick’s features for the answer. Roderick sighed as he took her hand in his larger ones. 

“It doesn’t matter. What matters is you’re awake,” Roderick replied as Alexa shifted her eyes from him to Raphael and Hyas.


My queen,” Hyas dipped his head and fell to one knee in respect. Alexa frowned as she attempted to sit up and reprimand the elemental for addressing her so honorably. Pain kept her from moving as much or as easily as she would’ve liked.

“Don’t call me that,” she attempted to growl but it didn’t sound as intimidating as she hoped it would.

 “Queen?” Death’s voice drew Alexa’s attention and Roderick froze when she turned to face the Primal. Death’s eyes met Alexa’s and he was surprised when she didn’t instantly cower in fear.

“Hello,” she greeted softly with a gentle smile before harsh coughing kept her from saying anything more. Roderick grimaced at the sound. Raphael sighed before he stepped up next to Roderick and slowly wrapped his hands around Alexa’s neck. A soft blue light emanated from their skin as he smiled down at Alexa.

“I know you hate help, little one, but this will stop the pain and allow you to talk, alright?” He cooed softly. Alexa smiled at him before nodding.

Death watched silently. Three separate, extremely powerful Otherworld beings had all turned into simpering idiots over one girl. He was intrigued despite himself.

“Lex, this…” Roderick paused as he nodded toward Death.

“This is Death.” He announced as Alexa looked from him to Death. She still didn’t appear frightened.  

“I thought you’d be bigger.” The words that left Alexa’s mouth so easily had different reaction around the room. Hyas smirked. Raphael was stunned. Roderick was irked. Death was…impressed.

“You should meet Chaos,” Death replied with a chuckle as Alexa smiled gently. She slowly started to sit up and pushed Roderick’s helping hands away. Death watched her. She was independent and calm despite having just met one of the Primals. When she was resituated the way she wanted to be, Alexa turned to Death.

“Is there a reason you’ve been watching me like I am some kind of street show?” Alexa questioned as Roderick growled something about her having absolutely no sense of self-preservation or restraint, but Alexa ignored him. Raphael gave a chuckle as he watched them.

“Aren’t you afraid of me, girl?”

“I am not a girl. My name is Alexa Winters and no. If you were going to kill me, you would’ve done it by now. I have a feeling you’re not that merciful,” Alexa answered with a shrug. She turned her attention from Death to Hyas, who perked up at the attention.

“Do what you want.” She remarked in a tone that spoke of exasperation. Hyas’s smirk turned into a smile as he slipped by Roderick and Raphael and jumped onto the bed. Alexa bounced at the action and she rolled her eyes as Hyas clambered over her to sit on her headboard above her head. His legs dangled over the side and he slid his feet underneath Alexa’s arms. Unconsciously, Alexa leaned against his leg. 

“I don’t know why you cater to him like that, Lex,” Roderick grumbled as he folded his arms across his chest. Raphael chuckled again.

“He’s just a puppy when he’s with her,” he muttered quietly toward Roderick who rolled his eyes.

“Don’t remind me.”

“I am intrigued by you.” Death’s voice earned everyone’s attention as he stared at Alexa. Alexa smiled softly.

“I get that a lot.” She replied simply. Death tilted his head to the side as he moved closer to the strange girl. Roderick clenched his fists at his side. Raphael watched him warily. Alexa seemed unconcerned as she yawned.  She caught sight of something out of the corner of her eye and she turned her eyes onto the vanity next to wall. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of her reflection. Remnants of something black remained across her face, but that wasn’t what stunned her. It was her eyes.

“Why are they green?” She asked aloud suddenly. Roderick and Raphael shared a look as Death frowned.

“Because you’re human.” He answered. The air rushed from Alexa’s lungs as she continued to stare at her reflection. Panic settled in her gut.

“No. No. No. I can’t…no.” Alexa shut her eyes tight and started to shake her head. Her hands clenched the bedding and trembled. Hyas slipped from the headboard and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and buried his face in her dark, tangled hair. He muttered against her back, but Roderick and the others couldn’t hear him.

I am not leaving you. I will never leave you, my queen. You will never be alone.

Roderick fought the urge to pull Alexa into his arms and comfort her.  A few careless touches wouldn’t hurt her, but as a human, extended contact with him could lead to her death. He wasn’t willing to risk her being thrust into Oblivion. Death moved to stand next to his protégé and the healing arch-angel.

“I am interested. I will help you with your…dilemma.”


Matt stared up at the massive white structure. There was nothing on Earth that matched its majesty or size. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he looked up and found an elderly man standing in the doorway expectantly. Something told Matt that this was no ordinary Library and that this man was stronger and scarier than he appeared at the moment.

“Handler…” Jack greeted as he bowed his head.

“First the Grim Reaper and now you mortals. It seems my peace has been waylaid again.” The man grumbled as his silver eyes met Matt’s.

“Oh, it’s you. Come along then.” The handler announced as Matt looked surprised. Jack turned to look at him over his shoulder but all Matt could do was shrug. Frankie and the girls shared a look of confusion before the five of them followed the Handler into the expansive Library. 

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