She's a Reaper, Of Course She's Dead

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“Sweet, little Alexa. You’ve managed to entrance quite a number of people. How have you done it?”  Raphael asked the silently sleeping woman.  The dark ectoplasm still oozed from her ears and nose from time to time, but her heart rate and breathing were steady so the arch-angel spent his time watching Alexa sleep. Raphael thought back to the first time he met Alexa. It was the Council meeting where her fate was being decided.

“Alexa Winters, 21, you are preceded in Judgment by your mother, father, and two older brothers and a younger sister and succeeded by no one, is this correct?” The Recorder sat with his scroll and looked toward the silent and calm woman.

“Yes.” She answered easily as the Council studied her up and down. She didn’t seem afraid of the beings that surrounded her or her predicament. In fact, the woman looked downright bored.

“You were killed by a gunshot wound to the chest in defense of a young boy, is this correct?”

“Yes. That sounds about right,” she replied with a shrug. Raphael chuckled at her nonchalance. Because she died in defense of another human, much less a child, she was eligible to become an Angel. His brothers were already sizing her up for their own departments. Raphael knew she wouldn’t make a good healer so he just sat back and studied the calm woman.

“Is there anything you would like to say while the Council decides your Judgment?”

“I have a question.”

“You may ask it,” The Recorder answered as he looked up from her scroll. The Council leaned in, most intrigued by her curiosity.

“The man who brought me here. What is his name?”  She asked as she glanced around the room, searching for the familiar face.

“The name of your killer? It’s Judah M…”

“No. The man who came for my family when I was a little girl. He came for me after I was shot. What is his name?”  Alexa clarified. The Council turned to look at one another in surprise.

“The Reaper?” The Recorder questioned in shock as he stared at the woman in front of him. Raphael smirked as he leaned back in his chair.

“Can you describe him?” Raphael asked suddenly as his brothers turned to glare at him. At the moment, he didn’t care.

“He was tall, dark hair, enormous black wings, amber eyes…” Alexa replied as she tapped her finger against the corner of her mouth.

“He was very gentle and he looked lonely,” Alexa finished as Raphael chuckled.

“His name is Grimm, little one. Roderick Grimm.”  Raphael informed the young woman who smiled softly. Raphael ignored the glares from the other Council members.

“Can I ask another question?” Alexa ventured as she turned her attention away from Raphael back to the Recorder who nodded again.

“Is it possible for me to thank him?”

“I’m afraid not, Alexa Winters,” the Recorder answered instantly as many of the Council members burst into quiet whispers amongst themselves. Alexa nodded.

“Can you thank him for me?”


“Grimm! Buddy!” Raphael grabbed Roderick Grimm’s shoulder and quickly turned the Reaper to face him. Roderick glared at the archangel. Raphael ignored the clearly angry look the Reaper was shooting at him as he pointed to the Council doors.

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