08┃heaven and hell

Start from the beginning

"What you sense is disgust and disturbance. And I better be sensing your arrival within the next twenty minutes or I might throw him out before we make any progress," Damon told her, the irritation obvious in his tone.

After going back and forth a few more times, Mila finally agreed and ended the call with the persuasive vampire. She finished up in the kitchen, and before she could ask her mom if it was okay for her to leave, the woman already told her she could go. Mila knew at this point over the years, with Elena's kindness, Caroline's ability to be a people pleaser, and Damon's flirty comments, that her friends had successfully gained her parents' trust and acceptance.

"Have fun. And if you're gonna stay the night, let me know. Say hi to Damon for me," her mother said to her as Mila gathered her things to leave. She lifted the cup of tea she had made to her lips, watching her daughter search for her car keys that were right in front of her.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you're planning to leave Dad for him," Mila commented, distracted. Eventually, she noticed her keys and picked them up from the kitchen table.

"The only man I would divorce your father for is Elijah. Such a shame his family left town. He was such a gentleman."

Mila nodded, muttering a weak 'yeah' because her mother was unaware that the gentleman she was speaking of was an original vampire who had a very homicidal brother you didn't want to be on the wrong side of. To be fair, Elijah was the most likable sibling to her; he always treated her kindly.

After saying goodbye to her mom and her dad when she passed him in the living room, she was out the door and yet again on the familiar route to the Salvatore Boarding House, where apparently a Gemini Coven witch was waiting for her arrival.


THE INKY BLACK SKY WAS adorned by a sprinkle of stars and an illuminating crescent moon. Gone was the monochrome blankness that previously painted the atmosphere above them, replaced by the only sense of realness they have received. While looking up at the sight with wide, gentle eyes, she almost felt like she was home again.

"I was wondering where you went."

The voice was followed by the sound of light footfalls along the shingled roof and eventually the quiet settling of his body when he sat down beside her. Mila was sat cross-legged, and his legs dangled from the edge, but her knee still brushed against his thigh from the closeness. Neither of them bothered to move away for space.

Mila found herself smiling softly before she turned to face him, finding his comforting gaze. "Not like there's many places to look. What happened to your shirt?"

"Oh, it's kinda ruined from the whole lightening strike fiasco." Kai glances down at his own bare torso, the moonlight doing wonders for the taunt, pale skin. "And it's not like I have closet full of spare clothes. So I have to go without one. Sorry. I know this is gonna make you drool."

"You mean sick. It's gonna make me sick," she clarified, her grin only growing wider. She found it impossible to be anything but happy right now.

Kai couldn't help but smile back at her, his heart utterly consumed by how beautiful she looked at the moment. Her hair was now dry, falling in slight waves down her back. Her skin practically glowed under the mystical night sky. And there was her mesmerizing green eyes, which were, like he's previously claimed, still so effortlessly easy to fall into.

Things changed the instant he regained consciousness. He felt the shift in the air. He sensed every ounce of negativity fade away just as quickly as the harsh rain did. Most of all Kai saw the clear picture of Mila above him, desperation coating every inch of her wrecked expression. What they had done, what they had said, became meaningless. The only thing that mattered was that they were in this together, through the blissful highs and destructive lows, and both of them silently vowed to keep that eternal promise.

"I'm surprised you're not thinking up new theories and obsessing over new plans to escape," Kai admits.

"After everything we've gone through since we've been here, I am taking a breather. We're not going to get anywhere if I'm always stressing about our next move. You were right. I need to take moments to relax or I will just blow up," Mila tells him, her stare drifting back to the glistening stars above them.

"Wow. You admitting I was right? We are for sure in a different realm."

"No need to gloat. Besides, who even knows what exactly this place is. I mean, maybe this is simply what happens when you're supposed to go to hell and aren't meant for heaven."

"No. I don't think so."

"Why not? It makes sense."

"You wouldn't go to hell." Kai shakes his head, his own eyes trained on the sky, but the certainty in them was still clear.

"How would you know that?" She scoffs, peering down at her lap. She twiddled her thumbs. "It's not your decision to make."

"Because I know. I know you. You're not meant for that place, and I'm sure even the universe knows that."

Her heart tugs in her chest at his words, which once again attracts her attention, and soon she's staring back at his angular face. If Mila was in the same state of mind she was when she first got here, she would have despised what he had said and the feelings that came along with it. But she wasn't. She knew better than to hang onto all the hostility. She wasn't going to get angry at him for doing something right, even after the so many wrongs he's committed.

So instead, she allowed herself to smile, letting his response mean something. "Actually, I'm pretty sure the universe has it out for me."

"And why's that?" Kai asks, leaning back so his elbows supported him. Sparks of his mischief are found within his attentive gaze.

"Because I'm stuck in someplace worse than hell: With you," Mila teased.

"You don't need to act like you're not still head over heels in love with me. I know you are."

"How can I love a man who can't even dress himself? That suit was the most hideous thing I have ever seen. And I have to constantly look at that animal growing on your face."

"Oh, I know how to translate that. Let me run it through my internal processor. Beep, beep, boop, bop — you want me to take the rest of my clothes off."

"The only thing I want is for you to shave. Maybe I would want to take your clothes off, then," Mila stated after the uncontrollable giggle that escaped her.

"Ouch. Okay new plan. No more figuring out an escape. It looks like we have to find a razor first." Kai shrugged, feeling just as alight and free as she was.

"You better get on it."

"If that's what it takes to get on you."

This initiates her to shove him, but it only encourages the sly smirk on his face to grow. Despite his suggestive references, Mila allows herself to get more comfortable and lay down beside him, amused by his behavior if nothing else. Out of the corner of her eye, she watches Kai do the same, lying back completely, one arm tucked under his head and the other resting by his side.

For the first time, peace had worked its way in through their entire beings, wrapping around their souls, sinking into their bones, reflecting in their shining eyes. It was almost as if everything was forgotten and no betrayal had set them apart. They were just two normal people, pretending to admire the enchanting sky when what they were really admiring was each other.

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