Dr. Who

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Name: Saleedria
Age: I don't know their life span, so I don't know how old she is. I'm going to say she's about a young adult, though.
Species: Silurian
Gender: Female
Looks: Green Scales with a scattering of some white and copper, Amber eyes, the crest-y thingy that they have on the back of their heads (IDK what it's called), 5' 5" (she's pretty short.)
Family: Mother and Father
Likes: The sunlight, Freedom, Fish'n'chips
Dislikes: Chains, Enclosed spaces
Fears: Imprisonment
Background: When she was younger, her parents weren't nice to her and would chain her up or throw her in a small space when they had people over so that no-one knew they had a child at home. IDK what else to put, cause it'll start making no sense really quickly.
Personality: Shy, Defensive, Doesn't talk back, Smart, kind.

My OC'sOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora