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Full Name: Emilia Sireni Ambrosia
Age: 17
Class: Middle Class
Role: Servant (Ladies maid)
Looks: Long luscious black hair, hazel eyes, slightly tanned (sorta Italian looking) skin, 5' 7"
Traits: Calm, Witty, Fearful (mostly of herself), Graceful, Tends to stutter when delivering bad news.
Backstory: Emilia grew up in a neighbouring country to Camelot, until she was 12 and they were attacked, forcing her parents to run with her and her twin siblings across the border to get away from the destruction. Her parents did not make it, so her only family is her little brother and little sister.
Are they loyal to Royalty: Yes, though she is not sure whether all magic should be banned.
Other: She used to be the daughter of a Nobleman, but now her whole family are servants. They are still hiding from the people that had attacked their lands. She sees Merlin as an older brother.

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