Genshin Impact

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Name: Janazi Serrai

Gender: Female

Age: 526

Sexuality: Pan/Poly

Pronouns: She/They

Weight: 196.7lbs

Height: 5'5

Birthday: January 18th


Past Residence: Khaenri'ah

Current Residence: Sumeru/Aaru Village

Nation: Sumeru

Occupation: Medic/Doctor

Constellation: Aquila Gladius

Charged Attack: Two horizontal swings followed up by a vertical slash meant to confuse and unbalance the enemy. 

Elemental Skill: Nature's Respite - Casts a pool of healing Anemo in a 15 ft circle, lasting for one minute. 

Elemental Burst: Breath of Dawn - Creating the illusion of an early morning dawn, Janazi's burst administers continuous Swirl damage to enemies in a 30 ft radius. 

Weapon(s): Claymore + Polearm


Personality: She is very caring, with a bit of a witty side. If you make a mistake that she thinks is common knowledge, she will scold you gently. Actually, you coming in to her will probably get you scolded unless you're uninjured. She's just a bit of a worrier, is all. 

Flaws: She isn't gullible, but does tend to trust others way too easily. Honestly, it's a miracle she's still alive right now. She also has horrible self-confidence, which means she tends to try and back down from doing super important things because she thinks she'll only mess it up. Oh, along with that comes body image issues, as well.

Talents: She's very talented when it comes to many types of instruments, perks of having hundreds of years of practice. She also loves to draw and write, and is pretty good at it too.

Likes: For some unknown reason, she loves Glaze Lilies and Qinxing flowers. Apparently, she adores their colors and they remind her somewhat of the flowers of her homeland. Bring her any sort of Inazuman dish, and you will literally see sparkles in her eyes. Out of everything, though, her favorite thing is watching the children in Aaru Village dance and sing along whenever she plays one of her instruments for them.

Dislikes: She dislikes large crowds because she is unable to read all the emotions around her, and it makes her uncertain of any outcome's possibility. Sudden movement startles her, even if there is no violent intention.


Appearance: Because she has lived in the desert for so long, her skin is a permanently tanned olive tone. Her eyes are a beautiful mix between Hazel and Emerald Green, the exact shade changing depending on the lighting. Her hair is a light brown color at the roots, fading into a dark teal near her bangs as well as reappearing around the tips of the rest of her hair. She usually wears it in a very high ponytail of some sort, a piece of golden jewelry holding it in place. She has a line of tattoos down her spine, all of which are the seven elemental symbols with Anemo resting at the very top, which is the base of her neck. Her usual outfit is… not very child friendly, as it shows off her midriff, has a sizeable boob window, and dual slits up the sides of the skirt. It's paired with a belt of chains, as well as a golden cuff around each bicep. She also wears a veil over her lower face and nose. The entire outfit has small elongated stars hidden throughout it, especially so when it comes to the cape that drapes from the cuffs and her collar/necklace. Her sandals are in almost a grecian style, as they are made up of many crisscrossing strings of gold. Yeah, I may have gone overboard with this-

Backstory: Well, let's see. She's been a doctor most of her life, though she originally trained in alchemy before the fall of Khaenri'ah. She, of course, lost everything all at once. Left with very little to her name, she wandered for several months before collapsing just outside of Aaru Village in the middle of the night. She was found the next morning, and promptly cared for. Even though she was a stranger, it wasn't like she posed a threat to the village in such a weak state. She eventually befriended many in the village, and decided to stay there to repay them for their kindness. Overtime, it became clear that she did not age, while those she had come to cherish grew up and eventually perished. She promised herself she wouldn't get too close to anyone but, of course, when does anything like that ever go to plan. She fell in love. With one who had taken on the life of a mercenary. For a time, their life together was bliss and comfort. Though he had to complete contracts, and she had patients to tend to, they still held each other close. She always thought that age would be the thing that took him from her. But, what really took him from her, was one simple thing. A contract. Someone had been sent to kill her because people had begun to fear her for remaining the same after all these years. In the middle of the night, they had snuck into their shared home, and attempted to stab Janazi. In a flurry of motion, her love had protected her at the cost of his own life. There had been no way to block the dagger aimed for her heart in time if he had reached for a weapon, so he blocked it with his own body. That night was the first time Aaru village had seen their healer fight, and it was a terrible sight. In the morning, the villagers found her sobbing over the body of her lover, an Anemo vision weakly clutched in one of her shaking hands. To this day, she remains somewhat closed off to advances from anyone, only doing what she considers as her duty by protecting and healing the village's inhabitants. 

Strengths: She is an excellent strategist and medic, able to detect what needs to be addressed first in a situation. She is also a skilled negotiator. 

Weaknesses: Her emotions will always be her biggest weakness, especially since she can become blind to what may actually be happening once emotions are involved. 

Crush: Al Haitham

Backup Crush: Scaramouche (Wanderer ver.)


Strength: (4/5) 

Cooperation: (3/5)

Brains: (5/5) 

Speed: (4/5) 


Other information: She loves flowers, despite living in the arid desert. She is actually quite the social butterfly, despite trying to close herself off from everything. I based her off of a story I'm writing right now. :D

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