Ranpo | February 29th

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This idea randomly came to me and since I am Irish I thought this would be a cute little story idea :) enjoy

February 29th, that date was circled in your calendar for over a year and it was finally time. You always enjoyed leap years as they felt magical to you some how, like a missing year finally returning home. However this leap year was going to be different than the rest.

It was coming up to your four year anniversary of dating Ranpo and you had a big surprise planned. Ranpo was a great boyfriend despite his childish demeanour. He would always know when you were upset or in need of a big cuddle. Since you shared his craving for sugar he'd often bring you home snacks and sweet gifts from the office.

You met five years ago after accidentally bumping into him at the bakery down the road. You initially didn't think much of the encounter until you noticed for the next six months the only person you ever seemed to bump into was him. He was everywhere. At the bakery, the park, the shopping district. You even managed to bump into him on the way out of your house one morning.

You would have thought this was creepy if it weren't for something he said to you the day you first met. After bumping into him he looked like he was about to lecture you because he unfortunately dropped his sweet buns onto the floor. But as soon as he looked at you no words came out of his mouth. He mumbled something to himself before brushing his clothes and fixing his cute brown cap.

"You know today I had a sneaking suspicion I was going to meet my soul mate and well I guess here you are" he said as he extended a hand for you to greet him.

The whole scenario seemed to be straight out of some silly romance fan fiction. But to say he least his little pick up line swept you off your feet. Skip to a year later and he finally asked you out and you've been dating ever since.

You wanted to do something special for Ranpo, something he wouldn't expect but due to the fact that you were dating Yokohama's best detective you weren't sure that was even possible. You loved your boyfriend of course you did, but having him practically know your every move and know exactly when you tried to surprise him was a little frustrating.

This time it would be different because you weren't working alone. You enlisted the help of some of Ranpo's work colleges to keep this surprise an actual surprise. It was four o'clock now which gave you two hours before Ranpo would arrive home to see the surprise.

Yosano had helped you plan this idea for almost a year and the execution needed to be flawless. The house was decorated with balloons, party streamers and full of sweets. You were hosting a "surprise anniversary party" for Ranpo and invited all his work friends. You thought having the party a couple of days before the actual date would throw him off just a little bit. With the help of the armed detective agency employees you were sure this would be a success as they were keeping his suspicion levels to a minimum.

For the past week Atsushi and Tanizaki had been keeping Ranpo busy with as many cases as possible all while Fukazawa San gave Ranpo continuous praise to keep his spirits high.

You put your finishing touches on the large double chocolate fudge cake and set it aside to chill. Everything was going swimmingly and all you had to do was wait for your lover to return. Well everything was going swimmingly until you received a message from Kunikuda saying that Ranpo decided to leave the office early and was heading home an hour earlier than anticipated.

Almost crushing your phone you dialed all the agency members and told them the change in plan and that they had to get to your apartment before Ranpo did. Although having the worst sense of direction in the world Ranpo somehow knew just how to get from the agency back home in only thirty minutes.

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