Dazai | Work buddies 2

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This is a continuation of the first Dazai fic :) enjoy

One month, it had been one whole month since you started as an office worker in the ADA. It was a pleasant work experience but you couldn't say a calm one. The longer you spent at the office the better you got to know each employee and their "habits". For instance anytime Yosano asked if you had any recent injuries you learned to say no, no matter the circumstance. You learned to always bring snacks with you in your bag so that you could bribe Ranpo into helping you out from time to time, although he always saw through your intentions. You tried your best to learn Kunikuda's crazy schedule but ultimately failed so you decided to learn bits and pieces instead of the whole thing. A fun fact you learned was that every twenty five minutes on the dot Kunikuda would walk around the office just to make sure everything was going smoothly. You picked up on Atsushi's nervous habits and tried comforting him when you sensed his awkwardness. Finally you learned to just try and stay clear of the Tanizaki siblings as you weren't entirely sure what their situation was but you didn't want to know either.

You felt chuffed after learning all this new information about each detective agency member however there was on person you just couldn't crack and that person was none other than the agency's finest suicidal maniac.

Dazai was by far the most entertaining member to watch as he sweet talked Atsushi into doing his work or worked up Kunikuda so much that you thought he was going to burst a blood vessel. He wasn't as intelligent as Ranpo however he was extremely sharp and would notice even the tiniest details. For instance last week when you got your morning coffee/tea you noticed it wasn't hot enough but you didn't want to be a burden to anyone so you just frowned and sipped away. A couple of minutes later Dazai had appeared magically at your desk with a fresh cup of your morning drink,  like he somehow knew what was wrong without even asking. He was the mysterious type, always up to something.

You wanted to spend more time with him, get to know him, but due to your separate schedules the best you could wish for is bumping into him in the cafe downstairs or when he'd come running to your desk trying to avoid Kunikuda. He acted so childish but you found it charming, he made you smile.

You'd always catch him looking at you from his desk or looking like he was about to say something serious but was replaced with a double suicide request. You just couldn't figure him out.

Snapping back into reality you were just finished laminating some documents for Kunikuda in the break room when a familiar brunette walked in. Spotting you instantly he locked on target.

"Y/n it's been a while how are you" he cheerfully said.

"Oh Dazai I'm feeling just fine, maybe a little tired" you weren't lying you were tired from all the work.

"Awwww really that's too bad" he said as he came up right behind you. "I've been feeling tired lately too, recharge my battery for me?"

You weren't sure what he meant but before you could properly turn around to face and question him he had draped his arms around your neck and slumped over you from behind.

"Whaaaa....Daz...Dazai san what.. what are you  dOinG?" You tried to say without stuttering. You felt your heart rate quicken but you didn't know why. Why was your face getting so hot and why did he smell so good and wh..

Before you could continue to panic internally Dazai spoke softly "You know y/n this week has been kinda tough for me"

"Oh?" You had heard that he and Atsushi had a run in with the port mafia but you didn't know anything other then that due to it being classified information.

"Yeah it's been rough" you felt him frown on your shoulder. It made your heart sink for some reason. "But just getting to see you round the office every day, running around doing your best just makes all the bad fade away" he hummed very close to your ear.

Trying not to let Dazai see how red your face was getting you gazed in the opposite direction of his sleepy head.

"Ohh what me? I..well I..that's very sweet of you to say Dazai san but..why..why me of all people ?" You questioned trying not to sound extremely desperate to know the answer.

"Hmmmm well I'm not sure there's just something about you that I like. I mean you are a beautiful lady but it's something more then that. I like watching you work especially when you do little things like nibble on your pencil or tuck the lose hair behind you ear".

Just as he was saying this his hand reached for the small strands of hair that dangled around your ears. Tucking them gently behind, you felt him smile against you while letting out a small giggle.

Melted. You felt melted by this man. Why though? Every thing he has said has been said to you before by other random guys but this time..this time it felt way different.

Gulping you listened hoping he'd say more.

"I especially like it when I catch you staring at me on your breaks"


You yelled internally. Turing your face to meet his you tried to speak to defend yourself but no words came out. The only thing you could do is stare into is deep hazel eyes. This man must have you under some kind of spell right? You never act like this right? You only see Dazai as an interesting work colleague right? He's just a friend nothing more, just a f r i e n d.

Your face inches from his you were about to speak, maybe get some answers from his sudden ¿confession? "Daz.."

"Okayyyy all charged up, thanks for your energy y/n" Dazai said as he stood up straight with a large grin on his face.

Wait what

"Phew that was a nice little rest don't you agree? Well I better get back to work now before Kunikuda cuts my life shorter then it's going to be"

This THIS man he?!? Was he toying with you just now? You felt a combination of rage, embarrassment and something else.

"Wait wait wait hold on a second Dazai what we're all those things you just said?" You questioned as he spun away.

"Oh just some food for thought don't mind my rambling y/n chan. You're quite comfy to lean on by the way" he spoke as he began to walk back into the main office.

You stood there dumbfounded as you watched his brown trench coat trail behind him as he left. Confused and puzzled you stood there with a massive blush spread across your face.

"Oh and y/n" he stopped and turned just his head to look back. "You look incredibly adorable when your embarrassed" he smirked and disappeared from the room.

Wanting to curl up and DIE right there you stood still unsure as to what just unfolded.

"Curse you Dazai Osamu and your pretty face and charming CHARMS, Ohhhhh I'm so going to get you back" you said still red, picking up the laminated sheets and storming to your desk ready to plot your revenge.

Omg I updated wow. I'm so sorry I know it's been SO LONG but I kinda forgot about this and was busy with college but from now on I'll try to update whenever I can. If you have any suggestions for scenarios comment or dm me :) xox thank you for reading.

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