Dazai | Old Fashioned

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Have you guys been watching BSD Wan? It's so god damn cute

Walking down the foggy alley you moved with confidence in your step. It was well into the evening and the streets surrounding you were empty apart from the odd stray dog or cat.

The moon light was peaking through the gaps in the tall buildings illuminating the path ahead with a greenish glow. Your hair laid messily around your face but still framed it in a flattering way. Letting out a deep exhale a couple of strands moved momentarily before returning back to their original position.

Walking alone this late at night would scare most women but you didn't have to worry about that. I mean who was going to mess with one of the port mafias best executives? If they valued their lives they'd stay out of your path. Your movement came to a still as you tilted your head upward to look at a sign glowing above.

The signs bright red and orange nature created a different feeling in the green alley as it buzzed in the quiet night. The words Lupin were written across it in fancy letters accompanied by a distinguished looking man wearing a top hat and a monocle. The corners of your mouth tugged upward as you decided to descend the steps to your right.

Pushing open the worn door you stepped into what felt like a new reality. The room was dimly lit with old oil lamps and candles creating an orange and brown hue that hugged everything. The smell of liquor hit your noise instantly as you moved further into the bar.

There was quiet jazz music playing overhead among the sounds of clinking glasses. Finally reaching the last step you heard chatter and laughs erupting from the bar's counter. Looking in the general direction you were met with some familiar faces.

Two tired looking men sat at the counter engaging in frivolous conversation both facing one another. Your presence undiscovered yet you simply watched the happenings in front of you. The boy on the left was around your age while the man on the right was much older, in his late twenties.

The younger boys face was a little concealed by his curly dark hair along with his signature bandages that covered almost his entire body. His black coat was draping over the back of the stool that he sat on, legs crossed in a strange manor. His head lay on the bar itself as he dipped his finger in and out of his glass playing with the ice in his drink. His face looked tired as dark under eyes hugged pale skin, colouring his face in a unique way.

The man beside his sat up straight in much better posture. He too had dark curly hair yet his was a couple shades lighter. His complexion was more textured than the young man beside him and he had the beginnings of a beard, highlighted by his stubble. One of his hands was on the back of his stool while the other was firmly holding his glass. He seemed to look amused by what the bandaged boy was saying and listened well rather than chiming in himself.

You couldn't help but smile at the scene of the two just enjoying their evening. The bandaged boy perked his head up as he turned it towards you finally noticing your presence. Swiveling his stool around so that he was face to face with you he spoke.

"Y/n! I'm surprised to see you here. What's the occasion?" The boy hummed happily.

"No occasion Dazai just tired after work and wanted to relax a little" you replied walking towards the two men.

"Ohhhhh well you've come to right place. Right Oda?" Dazai winked turning towards his compatriot.

Oda simply nodded in response, not a man of many words but his mind was always analyzing. Without speaking Oda got up from his stool and moved to the one on the opposite side leaving his empty.

Looking him in the eyes Oda simply patted the stool top signaling for you to sit. Taking his generosity you slipped off your overcoat and plopped yourself between the two men.

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