You What?!

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You What?! (LIGHTBULB)

Written by: S.Dawn

Edited by: me.

[In this oneshot, Glass is taller than bright]

[Bright's P.O.V]

I woke up in my office by a loud noise coming from the office beside me. The office belonged to my crush Simon Glass. He is perfect in my eyes, his blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses, his talents, his personality, etc. I decided to walk to the front of his office and peek through the blinds. I finally heard and saw who caused the noise. It was my co-workers.

"We all know Bright has no guts to confess to you, Glass." Dr.Kondraki spoke as he drank a shot of alcohol. "What Kondraki meant is that we're here to help you with your special relationship with Bright." Agent Diogenes said while scratching her neck. "I can't believe that you were oblivious when Bright gave you signs that he loved you, Glass." Dr.Clef said while tuning his ukelele. "Like what I said earlier, he has no guts to confess, so here we are!" Dr.Kondraki yelled at the group. "No need to be loud, Kondraki." Dr. Iceberg spoke in a soft tone. "Yeah, my assistant is right. Please continue this conversation before the council comes here to see us," Dr. Gears spoke. They all looked at the clock that read 7 am.

I was shocked to hear them that I almost gasped loud enough for them to hear. Luckily, I covered my mouth to control myself. I looked at Glass who sat there looking determined, but he was nervous too by the look of his hands.

"You're the head of Psychology of the group, so what about you-," Dr. Kondraki got interrupted by Agent Diogenes. "There's no need to put pressure on Dr. Glass , everyone. First of all, do we have a ring with us?" The group fell into silence. I never expected her to say those words. She really wants us to do it I suppose. "I may be responsible for weaponry, but you're in luck I had time to make engagement rings." Dr. Iceberg gave the rings to Glass. "T-thank you, Iceburg," Glass gulped.

"Okay, want me to play background music?" Dr. Clef insisted as he played a sample melody. "That's perfect! Thank you, Dr. Clef!" Agent Diogenes exclaimed in happiness. "I can already hear the wedding bells ringing in my ear." Dr. Kondraki joked that made the group, even Glass, laugh. "Rings and music check; now, we need the confession speech." Dr. Iceberg said that made the group stare at him except Dr. Gears.

"Wow, you guys just look at him like he did something wrong." Dr. Gears said to break the silence. "Alright," Agent Diogenes muttered. "Okay, let's put our heads together and try to make this work!" She got a paper and pen and placed it on the table. I giggled softly as I sat on the floor, my back facing the wall.

I heard footsteps approaching me, turned around, and I saw Director Moose. She kneeled on the floor whispering to my ear, "Hey, Bright, remember you have paperwork that you need to submit in an hour." She stood and walked to her office. I panicked for a few seconds, ran back to my office, drank my coffee and began my paperwork. In fact, I was fast enough to finish it. I sighed as I wiped my sweat. I heard a knock on my office door,"Come in!" I said in a tired yet enthusiastic voice.

The door opened wide along with music playing. The music made the mood of the room brighter as I rubbed my eyes. I saw the blonde, tall, blue eyed man walk towards me with a small black box in his hands. I knew what was going to happen, but I had no clue what he's about to say. I blushed a crimson red that made them wheeze. "Good morning, Bright!" Glass said with a bright (no pun intended kiddos) smile on his face. "Good morning, Glass. What brings you to my office?" I smirked as well. "Oh, you look so adorable when you do that~ Anyways, I'd like to say something special to you, Bright." He leaned closer to me.

"I love you," we both said in unison making the gang shocked to the bone. The gang screamed with excitement and happiness as Glass got on one knee. "Will you marry me, Bright?" He said blushing as well. "The answer is obvious, Glass." He looked at me with a curious expression on his cute face. I glanced at Agent Diogenes for a split second, and she nodded. She knew what I wanted to do. Of course, she's close to me to know my love for Glass after all.

I grabbed Glass's tie pulling him even closer to me. "No," I said as the gang started to panic and Glass' heart sink. "Just kidding! I'm giving you a solid yes." I held his chin and kissed him on the lips. "Mission accomplished!" Agent Diogenes yelled as the gang jumped in happiness. "WE CAN FINALLY GET A BREAK FROM THEIR HELPLESS PINING!" we heard all of the SCP's shout.

We were all happy until we heard footsteps coming closer. Glass and I quickly slipped on the rings, but it was too late; the council arrived. The looks on their faces were unexpected to everyone. They were all happy! Smiling brightly(no puns) as one of them approached me and Glass. "When's the wedding, lovebirds?"

T H E E N D of my sanity

-Every fangirl after reading a cheesy oneshot.

Brightglass/Lightbulb/Dr. Glass x Dr. Bright oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now