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It was June, pride month. Emile made sure to make his office rainbow, so everyone knew he was gay. He also hung like 3 photos of Remy on his walls along with posters of various shows. He was home currently, just chilling on the couch. Remy walked behind him, "Hey babes, do you want to go to the pride parade a few blocks away?" Emile's face lit up, "Yes!" Emile bounced up, "Do you think I should change out of my work clothes?" He asked and Remy nodded.

Emile came back downstairs with the same clothes- except for a rainbow tie, he also had some rainbow face paint under his eyes. Remy laughed, Remy already radiated massive gay energy, so he just wore a rainbow jacket, and a magenta, purple, and blue shirt. Remy grabbed his boyfriends hand, and they left the house towards the stream of LGBTQ+ Flags. He forgot his flags, didn't matter, Remy brought two mini flags, a bisexual one and Gay one.

There was so many people, Emile and Remy smiled at it. Emile saw some protesters but shook it off, unlike his boyfriend, Remy flipped them off. Emile glared at Remy, "Remy, don't!" He whispered-yelled. Remy frowned, but smiled again. 

They were in the parade for 30 minutes, before Remy fidgeted with a small box in his coat pocket, he smiled at the thought but was overall anxious. He sighed, and poked Emile, "Emmy? Are you having fun?" he asked, over the cheers of excitement and yelling, "It's wonderful!" He smiled oh so child like, that made Remy melt. "I have one more question to ask you." He told Emile, "Whats that?" Emile tilted his head. Remy got on one knee, catching some glances of others, it went quieter but still loud. Emile covered his mouth.

 "After 2 1/2 years, Emile Picani, will you marry me?" Remy asked, many people watched, hopeful of a yes. Emile started to cry happy tears, "Y-YES!" He yelled, jumping onto him and hugging him, knocking him over. Of course there were some boo's from the homophobes but they could only hear cheers.

Overall, this was the best day ever. they came into it with a boyfriend, left it with a fiance. 

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