Jansleep - Flower for your thoughts?

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my friend @ThePrince09 gave me this prompt.

Remy was a flower shop owner. He has seen grieving people, lovesick people, people who just want flowers as decorations, and couples. Made him feel even more single. For the past couple months, this boy who had a scar on the left side of his face. He had dirty blonde, messy hair. He looked to be about 20-23 years old. Remy thought he looked cute. This boy would come into the store and by yellow flowers, daisies, sunflowers, Pansies, etc. Their encounter would sometimes go like this.


 Remy was leaning behind the counter, sipping coffee and waiting for his next costumer. The boy walked in, he had never learned his name. "Uh.. Hello! Could I buy some.." He looked around for flowers that caught his eye, Remy waited patiently. "Could I get some Yellow Dahlia's?" The boy timidly asked, "Yep! How many?" The boy thought, "Three." The boy had never gotten a full bouquet. Remy grabbed three and wrapped them together, "3.45." The boy nodded and gave him four and left without change. Remy loved whenever he comes around.

He never knew why the boy came every week. He probably has a girlfriend, confusing to give her flowers every week. Maybe he doesn't know how to express love, why was he so into this boy's relationship and abilities? Remy sighed, smiling sipping more coffee.


It was a nice sunny day in November, surprisingly enough and Remy was making coin that day, apparently November is filled with birthdays. The boy came into the store, looking more teary eyed then before. He looked at the flowers before speaking, "May I have four Water Lilies?" The boy asked, politely. Remy nodded, "Sure thing, babes." Remy added an extra one, and handed it to him. "How much do I owe you?" He asked, getting his wallet out. "It's alright, no need to." The boy looked confused, "..Why?" he asked, his wallet still in hand. "Because, you always come here. Just get your girl the flowers, okay?" He said, sipping coffee. "I'm gay." Janus gave a smirk and waved a 'goodbye' as he left.

Remy grinned, "Score." he smiled as a new costumer entered the store. 


This day was a day in December, it was somewhat harder to get sales in the cold. Remy had methods of keeping his flowers healthy during the cold, so they did not wither and break. The same boy walked into the store, shaking in the cold. "Welcome back.. again." Remy smiled, the boy waved. He looked around, and picked a flower. "It is freezing out there, and could I have a Buttercup?" He asked, Remy nodded. "It sucks because my birthday is in January. January 16th, to be exact." Remy told him, getting the flowers, "Uh, 4 by the way. And mine is also in winter, February 3rd. My mom, when I was a kid, was always like, 'Janus we can't do a lot for your birthday, too cold.' and stuff. Now I'm 22 and can do whatever I want. Except weed." The boy- Janus got out his wallet. Remy laughed, "4:45. And, I'm 22 as well. My mom was kinda the same, but she always rubbed salt in the wound when she got me summer activities for my birthday. Like a water gun, a solar balloon." Janus giggled, "My mom never knew what I wanted so she just gave me art stuff. Now I'm doing a minor in art for college." 

They started to have a conversation, "I didn't go to college. This used to be a hair salon owned by my dad, but when he passed a couple years ago when I was 18 I was left with this and money. I renovated it into a flower shop because the only one near us is 15 miles away. My mom was somewhat disapproving but she got used to it." Remy explained, "Oh, glad you made this a flower shop. We have like 8 hair salons. Would know because everyone besides one fucked up my dads hair until he had to shave it all off. My brother, Virgil, thought he had cancer." Remy burst out laughing. "That reminds me when my friend, Emile, went to get the tip of his hair dyed pink and they dyed it black." Janus snickered, "I'd be pissed, luckily due to my fathers misfortune I was able to get good haircuts." Janus took off a beanie he wears and flipped his hair, Remy giggled.

"What's your favorite flower here?" Janus asked, "Cosmos." Remy pointed to a purple flower, "Could I take three of those, as well?" Remy raised a brow and nodded, adding three more flowers to the others. "Thank you! I'll be back!" Janus waved goodbye, "I know you will, babes." Janus left right after that. Remy smiled, "Man, I like that dude."


Now it was January 16th, and Remy was bored out of his mind, he was about to close the shop a little early before Janus came running in out of breath, "I-I got here j-j-just in time." He tried to catch his breath, holding an extremely large bouquet of various flowers he had gotten from Remy. "Oh?" Remy said, leaning onto the counter, "Whatcha here for now, flower boy?" Janus beamed at the nickname. He gave him the flowers, "Happy Birthday!" Janus gave a toothy smile, "Oh.. That is very sweet." Remy smiled as well, noticing a paper attached to it. 

"wanna go out? maybe you can call me 'babe' instead of 'babes.'"

Remy snickered at the last part, Janus was obviously really anxious, fidgeting with his sleeve and what not. "Sure, why not?" Janus sighed out of relief, "Where?" Remy added, Janus shrugged. "I didn't think I'd get this far." 

Remy and Janus went to a local bakery called, "Patton's Pastries." and then they chilled in Remy's apartment because Janus is currently staying in a college dorm and his dormie is very loud. They ate donuts and cinnamon rolls and then watched some cheesy movies.

word count: 1001

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