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I began to stand up but fell back down, it felt like my subconscious was being pulled away, when I opened my eyes I saw bright fluorescent lights, I blinked and it turned back to forest. Peter rushed down next to me again. "Ella are you ok?" I blinked a few times before calming down.
"Yeah, yeah I-I'm ok" he grabbed my hand and helped me up. I looked around frantically looking for what had caused the light.
"Hey, look at me." My eyes landed on him. "You're ok, you'll wake up soon." I shot him a confused look, but he brushed it off. "get some sleep."
"Pan? May I sleep in your room tonight?" He looked at the boys and they gave him the look. He rolled his eyes.
"Of course you can." I nodded and followed him into his room quietly. Thoughts about what I had seen bubbled into my head. What was that, and what did peter mean by "you will wake up soon"? "Ella, are you ok?" Peter broke me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah... yeah I'm ok." He looked at me skeptically but decided not to pry.  He pulled the covers up allowing us both to get into bed. "Peter,"
He mumbled in response. "Why are you so nice all of a sudden, the bath, saving me from..." I blanked "what's his name? Oh yeah. Hook, what a strange name" I mumbled "anyway, why do you care all of a sudden" he scoffed
"I don't care... about anyone" he seemed to be convincing himself just as much as me. "Mhm. Ok peter, good night,"

The next morning, I pried my heavy eyes open as the golden sunlight peeked through peters new window. Apparently the only reason he got it was for me, I called bs but the boys insisted. I looked down and noticed I was wearing athletic shorts, which peter brought me and a bra, and a small one at that.

I took a deep breath in but stopped once I felt the heaviness I'd an arm around my waist. I went to pry it off, but it just pulled me towards him and his face snuggled into my neck. I loved it, I won't lie but I was worried about what he would do if he woke up in this position.

"Peter" I whispered, careful not to breath near him due to morning breath. "Hm" was all I got in return. I moved so I was facing and breathed through my nose. I placed one hand on his bare chest and the other on his cheek, "wake up" he slowly opened his eyes, when he saw our position his eyes widened. I went to pull away not wanting him to be uncomfortable, hoping he would pull me back in, but sadly he let me go. Hurt crossed my features but I quickly covered it up. "Up and at em" he never took his eyes off me as I put my shirt back on. "Don't be a pervert" I mumbled as heat rushes to both our cheeks.

"I'm not a pervert..." I rolled my eyes "mhm." I walked out of the tent over to JJ. "Hey." He looked down at my mostly visible legs. Just then I heard peter exit the tent, and leggings appeared instead of the shorts. I shot him a glare and he stuck his tongue out at me briefly before he walked over to Felix.

"He likes you" Jj said almost inaudibly "no he doesn't" I protested.
"Ella, he lets you sleep with him, he's protective of you, he was thinking of killing the boy who hurt you. It's all there, and you should see the way he looks at you when you don't see it. I know you have been here a short time but you're his."

"I'm my own person thank you very much" just then I heard peter call for me. "Daddy's calling." I heard JJ mumble. just as I was about to say something Pan had JJ pinned against a tree, a dagger against his throat. "PAN" I screamed mortified for what he might do. "GET OFF PLEASE" he glared at JJ, not even acknowledging me. I made a decision, a stupid one, but I couldn't just stand by and watch this.
I ran over to peter, wrapped my arm around his waist grabbed the dagger swiftly from his hand and pulled him away from JJ. Pan finally looked at me. "Give it back." He said chillingly calm. "No. Not until you calm down." He glared for a moment before looking at me. "I own you" I stared in disbelief then... I lost it.

"You think you're all that don't you? Well news flash, you're not. You're just a boy, who got abandoned and are angry about it, i own MYSELF" I recoiled at my own words. "Peter I-"

"I'm not a boy. I'm a bloody demon. I do own you. Hope you're happy." he snarled and turned back to Jj. "You got lucky, but if I ever hear you disrespect her like that again, you won't be." He snarled. I ran over to Jj.

"Are you ok?" I kneeled next to him, after Pan let go he fell to the ground. "I'm fine just go away!" He shouted and I stumbled back. I backed away and ran into the woods. I blinked tears back as I ran to where I thought the cliff was. Tears blurring my vision and causing me to trip over roots. Sooner or later I arrived at the cliff, looking over ocean. I hardly even had time to register what I was doing. Maybe this was a stupid reason to die. But what's the point anymore? I took a step closer and closed my eyes, I let out a deep breath and took another step, one more and I'd be gone. All my pain, suffering. Poof.

I took one last step and began plummeting, fast

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I took one last step and began plummeting, fast. No scream, just a gasp as air began leaving my lungs. I watched the sky as I fell. And smiled. I would be happy.

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