Dont rush-4

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Peters POV
I watched as Ella slowly drifted off to sleep, but just then I realized just how tired I was personally. I went to stand up but Ella rustled awake so I sat back down. I rested my head on the back of the couch and closed my eyes, hoping when I opened them she would be asleep and I would be able to sleep in my room. I did want to give my bed to Ella for the night, but that seemed strange. And it would make me seem week, I couldn't have that.

      Darkness soon came like a drug and I lied down behind Ella, without really making a decision, my body just did it, and I decided not to protest. She shuffled a little, forcing me to lay on my back as she draped one leg on top of both of mine and she placed her arm around my waist and rested her head on my chest. I closed my eyes, to tired to care. But then she jumped a little. Causing me to open my eyes and look down at her. She opened her eyes and looked at her position, it was too dark at that point to make out what was her and what was the couch, but her face had come in contact with a stray piece of wood of some sort. I quickly took of my shirt and she closed her eyes again and rested her head on my now bear chest.

      My hand instinctively wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She took a deep breath in, no doubt taking in my scent of vanilla and evergreen. How could this girl possibly be so insecure he thought to himself. She's gorgeous... but before I could think anymore, I fell into a deep slumber, maybe the deepest I've had in a while...

I woke with a start, but instantly calmed down the moment I saw her resting body in my arms. Her face still pressed up against my bear chest, the steady rhythm of her breathing against me. I thought about getting up but decided against it. I just lied there, watching her. I don't know what was happening to me, I couldn't tell if I loved it, or hated it. But one thing I knew for sure was I could not, under any circumstance let her go.
Ellas POV
I stirred awake, the feeling of warmth from underneath me made my heart skip a beat...
I grumbled and moved my hand down peters chest, not realizing he didn't have a shirt on, I rolled over immediately, accidentally rolling to far and off the couch and hitting the ground with a thud. Peter burst out laughing, my face hinted with embarrassment until I began to laugh with him. After a moment he sat up and stretched out his muscles, he looked at me when he noticed me staring. "Sorry" I whispered as he chuckled.

"Don't apologize Ella." He said, his voice still husky from sleeping. It made me feel some kind of way. Gradually he turned and placed his feet on the floor next to me as I began to stand.

"Hm?" He mumbled in response.
"Do you have any more clothes I could wear?" He sighed, clearly annoyed "yes, I do." He whispered As he pulled me up the rest of the way from the ground. His hand lingered on my arm a moment longer then anticipated. My blue eyes quickly found his green ones and he let go. "May I have them?" I asked quietly.

"No." He stated. Confusion rising in me.
"Wha-why not?"
He thought for a moment amused at the power he had over me. "You have to earn then, just like everyone else on this island."
I looked at him for a second And smirked to myself. "What about tampons?"
"They are a necessity, you have full access to them" he sighed, clearly bored.
"But clothes are a necessity."
"Yes well, do you have clothes on you now? Yes, you do, those will last until you earn some more. Mk darlin?" He said as he tapped my nose. I grabbed his hand harshly. He smirked. "You've got fire... I like fire." He pulled on his shirt and began to walk out of the tent.
"Oh! Pan?"
"Ughhh what do you want?"
"Condoms?" Now this, this took him by surprise. I smirked. He walked back over to me and trapped both my wrists in one of his hands as the other held my chin.
He leaned in and whispered into my ear "no one will have sex on this island... understood?" I smirked but nodded. He let go and walked out. I followed quickly behind him. The boys gave me a questionable look as I walked out behind peter until they continued to prepare breakfast.
I walked up to the kid named JJ and began to make conversation as best as I could.
"Hey" he responded as he cut some herb which I assumed to be basil.
"Do you need help?" I asked eyeing the way he was cutting, leaf by leaf.
"Please" he begged as he handed my the knife. I giggled and explained the best way to cut it
"Bunch it all up, lined up as best as you can and go back and forth with knife." I began JJ looked astonished as I finished chopping the basil into little bits within seconds. "Practice makes perfect." He nodded as he took the knife back and took out the next bit of herbs. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up as he followed what I had done moments ago. I turned around to walk over to the fire but stopped in my tracks when Tommy stared up at me.  "Hey little guy, how are you" I said as I crouched down to his level and ruffled his hair.
"I-I'm good" he stumbled over his words. "I-I just wanted t-to say t-that you are very pretty." And then he sprinted away as I smiled.
"Ella!" I spun around to see Pan beckoning me to come to where he stood.
"Yeah?" I said once I was within ear shot.
"I need you to get berries, but what ever you do, if you see black thorns don't touch them, understood?" He warned and I nodded. I headed into the unfamiliar woods. Leaving camp behind me.
I walked along, I had gotten a few handfuls of berries, around 30 berries in all, but I didn't think that was  enough so I kept walking until I heard a twig snap behind me. I stopped and looked behind me but nothing was there. I concluded it was a squirrel. I continued walking in a straight line but I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched.
I know it's short and I'm really sorry, but I'm just not in the writing mood. My cat passed the other day so I didnt write much, but I will update soon, promise.💖

Bye lovelies. 💖

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