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I continued walking keeping a look out for berries. I wonder why peter would send me into the woods alone. Maybe this was how I would earn new clothing. 

Out of no where I had an excruciating need to cry, but no tears came. I missed home. The smell of it and the comfort from my home. Of course I didn't miss my dad but i missed everyone else. I picked five or ten more berries from a near by bush and decided 40 berries was enough as I stuffed the new berries into the bag with the ones I had previously picked. I turned around to head back to camp but realized I had no idea where I was shit I thought aloud.

I tried to find familiar landmarks to lead me back to camp but ended up more lost than before, panic set in. All of a sudden I heard a twig snap from behind me again. I spun around on my heel and faced mark. "Mark? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at camp?" I asked confused.

"Peter wanted me to follow you, to make sure you knew your way back." He explained.

"Oh ok well thanks should we get going?" I started. He laughed abruptly, confusing me.

"You think I'm gonna bring you back with out a price?" Panic buzzed through my body.
"Um" I stammered "what do you want?"
⚠️ harm⚠️
"you" he said simply. Suddenly he grabbed me by the neck, making the bruises that pan made come back full force, and shoved me against a nearby tree. I screamed bloody murder for Pan, or JJ or anyone for that matter. "Shhhh baby," he whispered into my ear. I struggled to get away. "no matter how loud you scream no one can hear you." He said as he covered my mouth with his hand  "but I guess that's a good thing" I shivered at the thought. "Don't worry honey, you'll enjoy this I promise." I bit down on his hand, hard, drawing blood. "GOD DAMNIT  YOU LITTLE BITCH" he screamed, letting go of my mouth for a moment, his hips pressing me into the tree.
⚠️you're good⚠️
I took this opportunity "PAN! PETER PAN! HELP ME" I shouted as loudly as a I could tears brimming my eyes. Fear struck in marks eyes. I know what I had done. I was going to be in so much trouble, but anything is better than this. Within moments Pan wasn't even a hundred yards away from us. Pan looked at the position I was in against the tree and how mark pinned me there. Within moments mark was five feet away from me. Pans hand wrapped around marks neck squeezing. Though I hated mark, I couldn't let pan kill him. "Pan" I whispered my voice hoarse from the screaming and choking. He stared at mark for a few more moments before throwing him on the ground and walking over to me. By that time I had collapsed onto the forests floor, crying. He kneeled beside me.
"Are you ok?" He asked as tenderly as possible with the green fire still behind his eyes. He was going to kill mark. One way or another. He took my non response as a no and lifted me off the ground bridal style, and carried me back to camp.

Once we got back Pan ordered the boys to find mark and bring him back. This wasn't going to be good for mark. Peter brought me into his tent and up the stairs up into his room. He laid me on his bed ever so gently. Bruises already began to form around my neck and I winced. "Go to sleep."
"Pan?" I asked as he turned to leave
"Yes?" He stopped
"Here are the berries." I pulled out the bag full of berries and handed it to him. He sighed and began to leave "and... thank you." He glanced back at me and gave a weary smile. And then he left and I drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

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