Always on the run from captian hook-7

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Ellas pov
We continued walking for about three minutes before I spotted the clearing and heard the rush of the water fall. I began to run towards the water. I was eager to rid myself of my filth.

"Wait!" Peter yelled from behind me. I stopped abruptly and turned around and watched as he came closer to me, stopping when he was roughly 2 feet away from me. "Close your eyes" he ordered gently. My eye brows furrowed together for a moment before I closed my eyes. I heard him walk around and wind began picking up the breeze cold against my bear arms, I shivered. "Almost done..." peter reassured "ok" he sighed readjusting one thing quickly. "Open"

I turned around slowly to see steam rising off the previously freezing waterfall, the water was also a murky purple with a lavender scent. Candles lined the small pool of water. Fairy lights dangled in the trees nearby. I smiled to my self as my eyes landed on peter looking at me, studying me to see if I liked it. I smiled at him and his once tensed shoulders relaxed a bit. "It's beautiful... thank you, pandora." My smile grew wider. He stared at me with a look on his face I couldn't quite identify... but I looked like a mix of curiosity... and lust? He walked over to me and my breath hitched.

"Relax love..." he whispered. He placed his hand on my cheek and it took everything in me not to lean into his touch and by the look in his eye, he knew it. "Don't be nervous" I gave in and leaned into his warm slightly calloused hand and sighed while closing my eyes. He moved his thumb back and forth across my cheek.
"Peter..." I mumbled. He knew what he was doing to me, and he didn't try to hide it. "Yes darling?" He questioned innocently. I bit my lip and opened my eyes back up. His thumb traced over to my lip and pulled it out from between my teeth. "Don't do that...." he commanded.

"I need to bathe." I said trying my hardest not to give into him anymore than I already had.
"Ah yes indeed" he said as he removed his hand quickly. I whined at the loss of constant making peter smirk. "Can you... go?"

"Oh darling no, I can't leave you on your own" he became flirtatious quickly. "Especially not naked..."
"Is that for my protection or your pleasure" I inquired
"Who said it couldn't both?"
I rolled my eyes. "Fine" I took off my shoes quickly then took my hair out of the bun I had put it in earlier, followed by my shirt and pants. Peter turned away as quickly as he could. I knew he had a respect for me, he just didn't want me to know that. I continued to strip while he was looking away. I walked backwards into the water. The hot water engulfed me like a blanket. Careful to make sure peter didn't sneak a glance. I stopped so only the top of my cleavage was showing. The murky water made it nearly impossible for him to see beneath the water.  "Alright" I called. "You can look now." He reluctantly turned around eyeing me then smiling. He took off his shirt making my heart skip multiple beats. Next he removed his boots but left his pants on. He waded toward me. "I didn't know you would be joining me."

"Me neither, disappointed?" I shook my head no as he walked closer. When he was close enough i grabbed his chin and pulled him toward me, making our lips almost touch before I pushed him away and dipped my head under the water. Smiling.
"Such a tease" he whined.
"Peter? You don't happen to have a razor do you?" I looked at me confused. "A girl needs to shave" his eyes widened in realization and he handed me a razor, it was like he just materialized it out of thin air. I took graciously, "please turn around for just a moment." He complied and I shaved my under arms. It was my turn. I smiled at took a step towards his back and laced my arms around his chest. He visibly tensed up.

"Well well well... looks like the laddie found himself a girl," said an unfamiliar voice. Peter turned around and made sure I was covered to the best of my ability, he then slowly walked out of the water, his pants were soaked but he grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head and onto his chest. I gulped and bent my knees, hiding my chest more than it already was. The man who I assumed to be a pirate grinned at me sending chills down my spine. "Peter" I whispered letting him know how uncomfortable I was.
"I know, just don't move unless I say so" his gaze flicked back to the pirate "what do you want hook?"
"I want to make a deal." He broke his eye contact away from peter and began pacing back and forth. He placed his silver replacement of a hand in his chin as he thought. Peter urged him to continue, wanting to get me away from this 'hook' ASAP. "I want one of your lost boys."
"What will I get in return?"
"I won't take her" he pointed to me "and... I will leave the island, but I need access whenever I want"
"Alright" Peter agreed. Suddenly mark was standing with peter. I grinned to myself. "Here you go" he shoved mark toward hook. Mark looked at me and gave me a sinister grin and bit his lip. Peter noticed this and grabbed mark harshly by the throat, and I... didn't do anything to stop it. "I promise to god if you look at her like that again you WILL regret it."

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