What about you?-3

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⚠️ warning ⚠️ there is mention of rape and self harm in this chapter, i will warn your when it starts and when it ends.💖

"Is there somewhere I can lay down?" I cut peter off as I wiped my tears quickly.
"Yeah." He walked away and I just stood there, not realizing he wanted me to follow him. "Are you coming?" I lifted my head quickly and scrambled over to where he was standing and then walked close behind him as he continued on. Soon we approached a large tent apart from the others.
"Is this yours?" I asked dumbfounded.
"Uh yeah, you can stay in here until I make you your own tent, which won't take long. You will sleep on the couch." I slowly nodded in agreement, though it didn't seem that I had a choice. He walked in and I followed close behind until I was in the center of the tent where I decided I should wait. He walked to a cabinet and pulled out sheets as I watched. He walked back over to me and handed them to me. "Make your bed then go to sleep."
He began to walk up to the second level of the huge tent. "Peter-" I said before thinking. I quickly covered my mouth realizing what I had said. His face quickly turned twisted, his eyes narrowing and his mouth holding back a snarl. He turned around and walked back to the first level in painfully slow steps. His eyes not leaving mine for a moment. His eyes flared green and chills ran down my body. "I didn't mean to it just slippe-" he cut me off by placing his hand over my mouth. I fought back the flashbacks as best I could as tears began forming in my eyes.
"What did I say about saying my name?" I thought it was a rhetorical question until I noticed him waiting for me to answer.
"N-not to say i-it" I stuttered.
He came closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Right." I drew in a long breath.
"I'm sorry" I begged.
"You should be." I gasped as I couldn't help the flashback flood into my head.

Flash back
"Get into the car sweety" my mom told me as she grabbed my hand and ran to the car. "Hurry up" she said as I got into the back of the car and she got into the drivers seat and took off down the road. She turned around and looked at me to make sure I was ok, just when we approached an intersection she had forgotten about.
"MOMMY" I screamed as a car cane towards the side my mom was on. She turned around to swerve but was too late. Then I blacked out, next thing I remember is my dad screaming at me, telling me it's my fault.
"I'm sorry" I whispered.
"You should be." He yelled then he slapped me across the face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... just please don't hurt me" I cried as Pan snarled and grabbed my neck and squeezed. I choked as my lungs begged for air, I looked at him with pleading eyes and he finally gave up and threw me to the ground.
"Never, EVER call me Peter again. Understood?" He growled and I nodded wiping the tears that had pooled onto my face. He looked at me with pity, the disgust, then a look I couldn't quite identify, like he wanted to help me but he couldn't. "What did you want to tell me?" He said after a moment.

I tried to rub away the pain of the bruises already forming on my neck "um" my voice was hoarser than I expected "I-I wanted to thank you" a look of guilt crossed over his features before immediately turning back to hard, demanding ones. He just stood there unsure of what to say.
"I-" he began, but gave up after a moment and just went upstairs. I crawled over to the couch and tried to stand up to put the sheets on the couch but I collapsed, emotions taking over. I cried as quietly as I could.
       ⚠️Warning for mention of abuse⚠️
Flashbacks of what my father did to me, hitting me, grabbing me.... raping me, all flooding back.
           ⚠️Warning ends here⚠️
A cry escaped my mouth and I covered my mouth hoping Pan didn't hear. My throat began to ache. I took in a shaky breath and stood up. I began unfolding the sheets, blinking away the tears that were blurring my vision. My arms began to ache as I pulled the sheet over the corner of the couch, I gave up and just collapsed, pain taking over.

         ⚠️Warning of self harm⚠️
I looked at my scarred arms and began looking frantically for a blade. I saw a pencil on the table in front of the couch and snatched quickly pressing it against my skin harshly as I winced drawing blood. "ELLA" pan yelled. I dropped the pencil and covered my arm as I looked up at the top of the stair well I noticed Pan holding a pillow and a throw blanket in his arms. I gulped. "What are you doing??" He said as he rushed down the steps.
"I- it's just- I'm"
"Shut up" he says as he put the items down and rushes to my side.
"Gladly" I mumbled. He gently grabs my hand and removes it from my bloody arm. He then looks up and just stares at me. I squirm under his intense gaze.  After what felt like forever, he drew his gaze back to my arm. He then touched my arms and healed the wound I had made on myself, making me wince. He then stares at me again, curiously.
            ⚠️Warning ends here ⚠️
"What was your life like before you came here?" He asked hesitantly. I sighed,
"My mom died when I was nine. And my dad blamed me and took it out on me." I hesitated. "But now I'm realizing.... it was his fault."
"How did she die"
"We were running- well more like driving away from my dad, and while she was focused me, a car hit us." I had never really talked about it.
"Tell me about you"
His question took me off guard but I answered after a moment "social life was not my strong suit, I had a few friends but never felt truly welcome. But I like to say I'm smart. I hated- well, hate my body." Pans face dropped when I said that. "What?"
"You hate your body?"
"I mean yeah... my thighs touch, kinda a lot, and I have a little bit of a belly, I have cellulite in my ass,  my arms aren't necessarily small, and are marked with scars from my dad, or myself. And my-"

"Hold on, first off, thighs touching isn't a bad thing, and they don't touch a ton," I was confused as to how he knew this but I let him continue. "Everyone has at least a little bit of a belly and yours isn't even that much, and you have a small waist. On top of that, who tf doesn't have cellulite in their ass? Your arms aren't small because you have muscle, you're strong, and your scars tell your stories, but if you are insecure about that then quit making more of them. You are gorgeous, you have bright blue eyes, dirty blond hair and you're tall." My heart melted, i his Pan was so much different than the one who had nearly shocked me to death just moments before. I gave him a small smile, it took everything in me not to hug him, but in that moment I gave in. I began to cry and he took me in his arms. He took the pillow he had set down on the ground and placed it on the side of the arm of the couch and then gently laid me down  as I began to fall asleep. he finished placing the sheets on the couch and handed me the throw blanket and began to walk away.
"Wait-" I blurted out, he stopped and turned around waiting for me to continue.  A lump formed in my throat "ca-can you stay?" I patted the empty space behind me. He looked disgusted. I closed my eyes and winced at my idiotic self, I began shaking my head and rambling. "Never mind that was stupid, I shouldn't have asked I don't know where that came fro-" I stopped abruptly as I felt the couch sink a little as he sat at the end of the couch.
"I will stay until you fall asleep ok?" I smiled shyly and nodded before closing my eyes.

Hey lovelies, I know the first warning is kinda useless I just wanted to make sure. Hope you enjoyed this chapter was pretty cheesy but that's ok.💖

Also this Peter Pan won't be as mean as other fan fictions because I'm a sucker for romance and want this to mostly be  romantic. Love you.💖

I'm also updating a ton today because I wrote these in the past few days. I will update once a week at least, but, at most once a day. So ya.💖

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