Russian Roulette.

128 20 11

Draped in the ever-growing shadows,
He stood silent and still,
The gravestones in front of him
Lay like chess pieces on a game board,
His hand felt heavy with the cold weight of the gun,
Throwing mixed shadows with the dying rays of the setting sun
A finale so somber, a smile so sad,
A silent prayer as he raised the gun in his hand,
A last twist of the cylinder,
The muzzle against his head,
Suddenly the world fell silent
And the darkness arose,
As the universe glazed it's eyes and turned away to keep score,
No one would see the shattered heart or the broken soul,
As they mourned over a boy who sold his soul
And would never have his story told,
A grand and final move against the wheel of time,
The gun had let the bullet fly.

- A.A

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