"Fine, I'll tell you how it goes tomorrow," he grumbled. The bell rang and we all went our separate ways.


"Come on! Wear the tank top and jeans!" Jasmine encouraged.

"No! Wear the top and skirt!" Anna whined.

I couldn't decide what to wear. Would the jeans be too casual, or the skirt too formal? It was so hard to decide! "okay, I'm going with the tank top and jeans, guys."

"Ha!" Jasmine said to Anna. She just grumbled and pouted. I put on the pretty white and green tank top, and slipped on the blue skinny jeans. I just loved blue and green. They were my favorite colors.

"Now we need to do your makeup," said Anna. "Let's go simple! Eyeliner and mascara, with a nude lipstick."

"Sure! You're the makeup expert. Plus, it's not like we're going anywhere fancy." I said.

Jasmine looked shocked. "What do you mean? First dates are always the biggest! Always look your best," she said while grabbing the eyeliner for Anna. Before I knew it, it was seven. While I was straightening my hair, I hear the doorbell ring.

"Gosh I'm nervous," I admitted. "I have to go girls, I'll call you later."

"Sure! Have fun, and don't act weird!" Jasmine reminded.

"Wow Jasmine, thanks," I joked. "See you guys!" I opened the door and saw Brayden; No one had ever made me feel like I hurtled off of a cliff like he did.  "Um, hi Brayden."

He smiled and gave me his hand. It was so warm and soft and comforting. "Hi!" he said while opening the door to his silver Infiniti. "And wow, you look amazing," he added in a low voice.

I blushed, and my mouth just opened up before I could stop it. "Yourhandisreallywarm!" I blurted out. I blushed beet red, and looked down in embarrassment.

He faltered and replied, "And your hand is really cold?"  We stared at each other wide eyed for a few seconds, and then looked away.  "Is having a warm hand a bad thing?"

"No, it's nice."  Gosh, that was really awkward.

"Good. Cause I like holding your hand." I couldn't believe he just said that. I blushed again, and smiled. I had a feeling that my face was going to be red for most of the date. Soon enough though, we arrived at the movie theater.

Looking up at the showing times, I grimaced.  There were the normal chick-flicks that always ended the same way.  And who names a movie, 'The Last Kiss?'  She'll find another man to smooch.  The action movies weren't bad though.  Then one movie caught my eye.

"I really want to see Supernatural Nightmare!" I yelled excitedly. I loved scary movies. The thrill was always fun.  Also predictable sometimes.  It's almost a game, guessing when that demon's going to hop out of closet.

"Uh, sure!" he said nervously. He walked to the ticket window and asked, "Two tickets to Supernatural Nightmare, please?"

The young ticket seller looked skeptical. "Yeah, you better see a different movie.  Your girlfriend won't be able to handle it. It's pretty scary."

I was a little upset. "Um excuse me, Chris," I said looking at his name tag. "Do you think girls can't handle scary movies?" I had a threatening look on my face.  "It's kind of sad how sexist pigs think they are so much better than anyone else.  Let's see if I kick your butt in any first-person-shooter games."

"Um, no mam! I'm sorry," he apologized. I looked at Brayden and I saw that he was impressed. I guess he liked a girl who could stand up for herself.

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