Timmy: Only because he didn't add something to the filling.

TJ: I thought it was good.

Priscilla: And I didn't tell anybody about TJ wet his pants when he's nervous.

TJ: I got over it. I got some help.

Priscilla: Exactly. So I won't say anything. Promise.

Timmy: Alright. You didn't have to bring it up, you know?

Priscilla: I know. I just like saying it. *She wiggle her finger at Mei Lin, Mei Lin cooed and suck on the finger. In Marinette's bedroom, Luka opened the trapdoor and he saw her. *

Luka: I forgot your room has a trap door

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Luka: I forgot your room has a trap door.

Marinette: It does. And look up. I have a skylight and a balcony.

Luka: Wow. 'Just tell her. Just tell her.' Marinette, there's something I have to tell you.

' Marinette, there's something I have to tell you

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Marinette: Yes?

Luka: Well... since today's been fun. I feel like I wanna do it again.

Marinette: Yeah. Me too.

Luka: And... *He holds her hand and they look at each other and lean in for a kiss. But then, Marinette looked away and felt guilty. * What's wrong?

Marinette: N-nothing

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Marinette: N-nothing. 'I want to kiss him so badly, but I can't.'

Luka: You're still thinking about Adrien?

Marinette: No. I'm over him. I'm just not ready for this moment yet. *He put his hand on her cheek and she looked at him too. *

Luka: I understand. I'm not gonna rush in on anything either. And I wanna let you know... I'll be waiting, whether if it takes long, I just wanna let you know that. *Marinette chuckled. *

Marinette: Thanks, Luka

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Marinette: Thanks, Luka.

Luka: I better get home

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Luka: I better get home. See you later?

Marinette: Sure. *Luka walked to the trapdoor, Marinette sighed. * Luka, wait!

Luka: Hmm? *She goes up to him and kisses him on the lips, his eyes are wide open and she pulls back. * What was that for?

 * What was that for?

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Marinette: Thank you.

Luka: Sure thing. *He walked out of her room, Marinette blushed a little bit and she sighed softly. *

Marinette: 'Maybe... it might work out for us.'


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Real meaning of love (A Lukanette story)Where stories live. Discover now