Hangout: 2

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         The last bell had just rung throughout the school, and teenagers flooded the hallways and started heading home. Some took the bus, some walked, some drove themselves or got picked up by parents. Virgil, Roman, Patton and Logan all sat together in the courtyard. They usually sat there for a while, having a little study session with just the four of them.

They'd all do homework together, sometimes asking one another for help. Although, Roman, Virgil and Patton almost always ended up asking Logan for help with any homework they needed help with. Logan would happily help his friends, and then zoom through his own work.

This afternoon was no different, except for the fact that Roman had his arm wrapped around Virgil, and he was holding him closer than they usually sat. Virgil didn't mind; he enjoyed it, actually.

Roman was warm, and comforting to him. He liked being close. He was calmly doing some math homework, when he felt Roman lean over and kiss his cheek softly.

Roman smiled when Virgil looked up at him, which caused Virgil's cheeks to turn bright red. "You're cute when you blush."

Virgil squeaked a little, and ducked his head down, blushing even more. Roman laughed a bit, and he kissed his head. "Aww... Come back!"

Patton smiled at them, and he leaned against Logan. He whispered to his boyfriend, who was reading a passage in a textbook. "Look at them... It's like they're actually dating now!"

Logan looked at Patton, and then over at their friends.

"Yes, I suppose so," he whispered back. "Do you think this will get them to admit their feelings for each other?" Patton hummed. "I don't know. Hopefully, because it's obvious that they like each other! Only the two of them can't see it."

Logan smiled a bit. "Well, you are right about that, my dear."

Logan gave Patton a brief kiss, and then went back to his homework. Patton smiled, and he cuddled into Logan's side. He was finished with this homework for now, deciding a cuddle break was needed.

Virgil was still looking down, and his face was bright red. Roman placed two fingers under his chin and lifted his head, smiling slightly.

"Vee... Don't hide away from me."

Roman pouted at him, and Virgil couldn't help but smiled. "You're ridiculous, y'know?" He gave his dramatic friend a peck on the lips, and then went back to his homework. Roman smiled slightly, and he kissed Virgil's temple.

"Maybe.. But you know you love it!"

"Of course I do, Ro." Virgil smiled as he worked. It was Roman's turn to blush now.

He smiled, too, and kissed the top of Virgil's head.

They cuddled while they did their homework, and then it turned into simply cuddling, Virgil's face permanently red as Roman put him in his lap. He nuzzled Roman's neck, and he hummed quietly.

He mumbled to Roman, "Ro, you're so cuddly right now." Roman laughed. "Yeah, cus you're small and huggable and sitting next to me."

Virgil hummed again. He thought to himself as Roman held him.

'He didn't say it was because of the dare. Should I ask him out for real now? Does he like me? What if I'm wrong and he doesn't like he and then he starts hating me and isn't as sweet on our fake dates or what if he just backs out of the dare all together and then he stops talking to me and he won't be my friend anymore-'


Virgil lifted his head, and he looked at Roman. "Huh?" Roman smiled a bit and kissed his nose.

"I asked if you were ready to go? I can take you home if you are."

Virgil yawned, and he cuddled closer to Roman. "No... I like cuddling."

Roman laughed. "Well, why don't you just come over, then? We can cuddle at my place, on my comfy bed, and-"

Virgil's head snapped up, and he grinned. "Say no more, wonderboy. I heard 'comfy bed,' and now I'm interested." Roman smiled at him.

"Okay, then. I'll carry your stuff, okay?"

Virgil nodded, smiling a bit, and he carefully removed himself from Roman's lap. Patton smiled at the two of them.

"Now, kiddos, make sure to use protec-"

"Patton, no! We're not- ew, Pat."

Patton giggled. "Okay... Whatever you say, Vee. Have fun!"

Virgil waved, and Roman said goodbye to his friends. Him and Virgil went to his house, and they went upstairs into Roman's room. Virgil texted his mom, telling her where he was at the moment so she wouldn't worry.

Roman sat on the bed, and Virgil sat down in between his legs, leaning against his chest. They stayed that way for a long while, talking quietly with each other. Virgil yawned.

"Roman? Can I ask you something?"

Roman kissed his temple softly. "Sure, Vee. What's up?"

Virgil played with his hoodie strings. "Do you like anyone?"

Roman hummed, and he pulled Virgil closer. "Yeah, I like someone. Why d'you ask?" Virgil sighed, and he swallowed hard.

"Well... We're not actually dating, right? So, it must be weird, having a crush but pretending to date me. Do you think you'll ask your crush out when the dare is finished?"

Roman hummed thoughtfully. "I don't know, Virge. I've always assumed that they didn't like me the way I like them... Maybe I'll ask them, though."

Virgil nodded. "Okay... and, another question."


"Who is it?"

Roman took a while to answer Virgil. He bit his lip, and his face flushed red.

"It, um... They are..."

Virgil bit his lip, letting Roman take his time.

"You, Virge."

Virgil's eyes widened, and his face turned red in an instant. "What?"

He turned to face Roman, and he looked up at him. "You really like me? This isn't a joke, or a prank, or anything like that?"

Roman shook his head. "No... I wouldn't ever joke about this."

Virgil smiled a bit. "I- um... Well, y'see, I, uh.."

He laughed awkwardly, and he swallowed hard. "I... Um, I like you too, Ro."

Online school ends for me on the 27th! I hope everyone is doing alright amidst this quarantine and the pandemic issues. If anyone needs to talk, you can reach out to me on my edits account on Instagram, @sanders.sides_photoedits! This one's a cliffhanger, but don't worry, I'm working on the 5th date so stay tuned for that! Love you all!

<3, Dino

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