Hangout: 1

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Hey! For every 2-3 dates, I'm gonna write a brief chapter of the 4 hanging out together! That way, you guys get to see Vee and Roman acting like a couple, not just the dates :)


         Virgil yawned. He opened his eyes slowly, and he nuzzled his pillow. He didn't want to get up, but he knew he had to. He had to get ready for school, since it was Wednesday. So, he got up and got himself ready, grabbing an apple on his way out of the house.

Roman was outside his house, surprisingly. He waved to Virgil, who hesitantly waved back. He walked over to Roman slowly. "You aren't here to kidnap me, right?"

Roman kissed his forehead. "No! I figured that I could drive you to school now, since we have to fake date each other and all. That way, you don't have to take the bus." Virgil smiled. "How sweet..."

They drove to school, and got there much earlier than Virgil usually did on the bus. Patton and Logan were already there, and they met up at their usual meeting spot. Virgil held Roman's hand, and he leaned into him as they all talked. Patton smiled at them.

"You two are just the cutest! Too bad you guys aren't actually dating." Virgil rolled his eyes, while Roman smiled a bit. "You think so, Pat?" Roman laughed a bit as he spoke. Virgil looked up at him, and he hummed quietly.

"Yup! Almost as cute as me and my little logybear!" Patton kissed Logan's cheek, making Logan flush red. He slipped his arm around his bubbly boyfriend, and he kissed his head. "I'm glad to hear you still think we look cute together, dear." Logan smiled a bit. They'd been dating for a while now, almost a year. Both of them were so happy with each other.

Roman and Virgil both smiled at them. "Well, that was adorable, you two." Virgil laughed and he smiled even more. "I think Roman and I could be cuter than you guys."

Patton gasped. "No!" Virgil smirked. "Yes!"

Roman looked down at Virgil, and he kissed his head. "Another challenge? I'm down." Logan looked between them, and he pouted.

"Well, I'm sorry to say that you two will not succeed in that challenge, for Patton and I are actually dating, and don't need to pretend." Logan pushed up his glasses, and he nodded. "We have the clear advantage in this challenge."

Roman smirked confidently, and Virgil swore his heart started to beat faster.

"Oh, we'll see about that." 

Fake Dates // A Prinxiety Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now