Date: 4

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Virgil was up at the ungodly hour of 6:00am because Roman and him were going on another date. It was to the beach, and they just so happened to live pretty far. Roman was already at his house around 6:45, so Virgil grabbed his bag of things, like snacks, extra clothes, and his hoodie in case they stayed late. He ran outside and waved at Roman.

Roman waved back, smiling. "Hey, Vee!" Virgil flushed pink, and he smiled. "Hey..."

He got into Roman's car, and he hummed. "Let's go!" Roman laughed and kissed his cheek. "Someone's excited, huh?" Virgil nodded a bit.

They drove out of Virgil's neighborhood and towards the beach. Virgil went back to sleep during the drive, and Roman smiled at him.

'How adorable...' Roman thought to himself as he drove down the highway.

He parked his car in the beach entrance parking lot, and he gently shook Virgil. "C'mon, dear, we're here!" Virgil groaned, and then yawned. "Hmm?"

He opened his eyes, and he yawned again. "Oh... we're here." Roman nodded, and he smiled. He got out of the car and started to unload the stuff in the back. They had an umbrella, some beach towels and a blanket, as well as bottles of sunscreen, and their snacks and drinks.

Roman set everything down, and he gave Virgil a quick kiss on the cheek when he got out of the car. "I'm gonna pay for parking, but you're welcome to take some stuff and find a spot on the beach! I'll meet you there with the heavier stuff, alright?"

Virgil blushed, and he nodded, smiling slightly. "O-okay... sure." He took the bag of towels and sunscreen, as well as the insulated bag of snacks. He walked onto the beach, a little bit away from the ramp leading to the warm sand, and he found a spot away from all the people. He set the bags down and started doing his sunscreen.

Roman paid for parking for the day, and then he carried the umbrella, and the drink cooler to their spot. He found Virgil easily, and he set the umbrella up before doing his own sunscreen, and helping Virgil get his back covered in sunscreen.

Once everything was set up, Virgil smiled slightly. "It's a nice day for the beach... Not too sunny and hot, and not too windy." Roman nodded.


The two of them sat on their blanket underneath the umbrella for a bit, simply talking and eating some snacks. When the sun started shining down on them more, both of them applied more sunscreen, and then Roman happily announced he wanted to lay in the sun for a bit.

Virgil nodded, claiming he wanted to swim for a bit. The two of them did their own activities, one laying on the blanket in the sun, the other swimming happily in the ocean.

Roman rolled over after 15 or so minutes, and he let the sun shine down on his back. Virgil smiled at him from the ocean, and he sighed happily.

'This was a great idea.'

Even if they were doing their own things, they both were still having a good time on the beach. Plus, not many people were there today, so they weren't being bothered by people partying on the beach, or annoying little kids running around.

After another 15 minutes passed, Roman decided he needed more sunscreen, just to be safe. He didn't want to burn, and he had been directly in the sun for about half an hour now.

He applied it as he saw Virgil walking back to their spot, dripping wet and smiling sweetly at him.

Roman flushed pink, and he smiled back. "How's the water?" Virgil smiled and he kissed Roman's cheek. "It feels great! You'll enjoy it, especially after laying in the sun."

Roman nodded, and finished with his sunscreen. "Well, maybe I'll go for a swim, then."

Their day went on, both of them having so much fun together. Virgil thought this date was definitely one of the most fun out of the four they've gone on so far. This one might've been his favorite yet.

As they packed up to go back home, he found himself wanting to stay for longer, and to never have this day end. However, Roman's parking pass was going to expire soon, so they needed to get going.

"Wanna stop for dinner before we go? My treat!"

Virgil smiled at him. "Sure... but you don't have to pay for everything, Ro. Let me get dinner this time."

Roman shook his head as they packed his car. "No, it's alright, Vee. I got it." The two went back and forth as they found a place to eat. They ended up deciding that Virgil would pay this time, since Roman's paid for every other date.

They ate their dinner, talking about anything and everything. Roman drove Virgil home, and walked him to the door. He smiled at him, and put a hand on his cheek.

"I hope you had fun today!"

"I did! The beach is always fun, even if I did get a little bit sunburnt." Virgil giggled, and he smiled up at Roman.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and they both found themselves blushing.

"I-I should probably get inside... It's getting kinda late, anyways."

Roman nodded, and he hummed. He kissed Virgil's cheek, and he smiled a bit.

"I'll see you at school on Monday, Vee!"

Virgil waved as he went inside.

"See ya, Romey!"

It's been a little bit but here's date 4! Doing school at home as been stress-inducing, but I recently got to take a long weekend off, so I'm getting back into the flow of things! The next hangout will be published next! Love y'all!! 💕

Fake Dates // A Prinxiety Short StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum