Chapter 6- So Cold, Yet So Warm

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Peter sighed exhausted, it was now 2 am, and he was finally walking home.

In the first month he had been pretty scared walking so late at night in the streets but right now he just wanted to go to the apartment not caring if he could be stabbed or shoot.

At that moment Peter knew he was not In good terms of health he was shivering, but he felt hot, his throat was on fire, and his head was killing him. He was also dizzy probably due to not having eaten anything for lunch to have enough money for the rent this month.

Although, right now the weather didn't help his case, the fact they were in the middle of the winter and was getting colder each day was bad enough because he didn't had a warm jacket something that didn't help his state, but as he walked out of the shop he notices it was pouring rain, and obviously he also didn't had an umbrella.

The walk to his apartment was about 10 minutes long so it was not that far but the state Peter was in he took 20 minutes to reach the front door.

Opening the door to his apartment Peter was soaking wet and ice-cold and oblivious to the man he previously met in the dinner that was just behind him following his every step or the car containing his family heading in his direction with the intention of bringing him home.

Getting out of the cold shower that Peter forced himself to take he went to his bed covering himself with the cold raspy sheets that did nothing to warm his body.

Outside his apartment was his former stalker with a team surrounding the building waiting for his bosses to arrive.

While waiting, he actually felt relieved that they would take the boy out of this horrible building that looked like it would fall any minute.

He wasn't the only one that was relieved that the boy was found, the air inside the car was tense, the occupants didn't now the state that they would find the youngest or how he would react. In the back of their mind was actually the fear that the boy that their agent found wasn't actually Peter but a similar boy.

After about 40 minutes and breaking several laws they arrived at the destination given ordering their men scattered around the building to stay on look out in case Peter managed to run from them.

Arriving to the correct floor they managed to open the door without making too much noise. Entering they were horrified to see where their angel had been living, the whole apartment was smaller than their bathroom, there was an old smell in the air and the cracked walls did nothing to keep the cold out. But in the corner of the room was a small shivering lump in a mattress that was directly on the floor. The moment they saw him they rushed to him not noticing the single chair that stood in the middle of the room and went against it.

"Be careful" Tony reprimanded his brother not wanting to alert Peter.

But against their wishes the lump in the mattress moved and groaned.

"Who's there" said the boy stumbling out of bed to turn on the lights.

What he saw next horrified him, in the middle of his apartment stood the people that he had been trying to run away.

"What are you doing here?" Peter asked wincing at the pain that flare up his throat.

"We are taking you home son" his dad said approaching the boy like he was a scared animal.

"No.. I'm not going back" the boy responded taking a few steps back to maintain the distance.

"Peter, please, we miss you" Tony said approaching him, making him back away "The house as not been the same without you" a few back "it's killing us inside" his brother said.

"You should have thought of that before you killed that man" Peter responded.

" He was a bad man Peter, he wanted to hurt you" his father said closing the distance between them making Peter step back only to stumble to the floor when a wave of dizziness hit him lucky for him a pair of hands caught him before he could hit the floor.

"Peter are you ok?" Edward asked holding all his weight against his body-

"What are you doing let me go!" Peter exclaimed after his sight was back to normal.

"Please come home Petey, you're clearly sick" Ed pleaded to his brother stuck in his arms.

"No I don't want to go back" Peter said sounding like a child.

"Then I'm sorry son, but you are coming either way, we cannot let you continuing to live like this" his father said while Tony took a white cloth bringing it close to Peter face.

"What is that?" Peter said turning his head as far as he could.

"It's okay Peter, you know I could never hurt you" Tony reassured while pressing the cloth over his mouth and nose.

Peter tried to shake it off, but Tony held it firmly.

"shhh just close your eyes, your safe now" Ed whispered in his ear like he used to do whenever I was sad.

After a while, my vision started to blur, and my legs lost his force making Edward support my body not letting me fall. Closing my eyes, the last thing I saw was their remorseful eyes before slipping to the dark.

After the drug done its job, Edward picked up his brother holding him in his arms with his head supported on is shoulder.

"He's so light.. I.. I can fell his bones under his shirt.... And he is so hot, his fever must be really high" Edward said worrying about his brother health.

Hearing that Tony put a hand on the boy sweaty forehead.

"He will have Strange take a look at him" Tony said sighing that his brother had to reach to this point, if only they had been more careful.

"Come on boys let's bring him home" Howard said rushing his sons out of the apartment before ordering that their men clean the apartment out.

And that night the family was reunited, and their angel was safe in their clutches where he would not be leaving again, ever again.

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