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You shriek as he roars again. Then you hear the thunder of his footsteps as he chases after you. Twisting and turning, you race through the maze of halls, hoping to lose him. It's an almost impossible thing—how do you lose something in its own home?

It seems to go on forever—his castle. The torches along the walls flicker and hiss as you pass. Everywhere, they throw terrifying shadows against the rock. Phantoms reach out for you with their shadowy, grasping fingers. You take a left and give a startled shriek at the sight of a figure directly ahead. For a moment you think it just another phantom before quickly realising your error. It's another dark angel. For a moment your heart lifts, thinking of the angel who saved you. You soon discover how wrong you are. There comes another terrific roar from behind you, making the walls shudder. The angel's eyes widen with surprise. He makes a grab for you, but you duck beneath his arms and manage to sprint away. Another left. A right. A left. Soon, you're staggering, from exhaustion, from hopelessness.

Unable to go on, you finally take sanctuary in a large chamber. There's not an ounce of light and you're forced to feel your way around blindly. It seems to be unoccupied with only uneven rock walls for company; there's not even a table to hide beneath. No chairs, no beds, no desks. No furniture at all.

You're desperate. You're panting so hard you think the whole castle must be able to hear you. You turn at the thud of heavy footsteps; footsteps so heavy and purposeful they make the room vibrate and fill your heart with dread. They've slowed now but they strike no less fear in you. He's no longer running but he seems to be following your trail easily enough. How could he not? He's the Devil! With powers beyond your imagining.

Finally, you find a gap between one of the walls and the floor. The bottom of the wall is jagged and broken and you're careful not to hurt yourself as you crawl beneath it and into what feels like a little cave. It stinks. It's like something has lived here recently and for a very long time, leaving the stench of their excrement, sweat and body odour behind.

You push yourself back into it as far as you can, then keep still and try to control your ragged panting. You bite down on your lip as you listen to the echoing thunder of Satan's chase. It's getting close and closer. Within moments, he's reached your room.

You stifle a sob at the sound of a snarl. What might be drool drips wetly onto the floor. A heavy foot slaps down hard. Then you hear snuffling, as though he's sniffing you out.

Clutching your legs to your chest, you bury your head into your knees. You're done for; he's found you. A shadow, somehow even blacker than the black around you, spills into your little hiding place.

The snuffling stops, and suddenly the room fills with blazing light, forcing you to shut your eyes. You scream and kick as something suddenly seizes your ankle. You open your eyes but all you can see is white light as you're dragged squealing back out into the chamber. Your fingernails rake across the floor. Your chin scrapes against the rock.

Once you've been dragged completely out of the cave, whatever it is that grabbed you lets you go. Shivering, you bury your face into your arms.

For several moments there's utter silence except for the sound of your panting and weeping, but you know he's there. How could you not? When the room blazes so brightly?

'Stand,' he says.

You don't move, shuddering even harder into your arms.

'Stand!' he booms.

With a choke, you do so, keeping your eyes lowered as you stumble to your feet. Tears drip onto the floor. Shaking uncontrollably, you wrap your arms around your chest.

'Look at me,' he says.

He says it in such an unexpectedly gentle voice that you obey immediately. Relief sweeps over you; he's returned to his beautiful form. He's smiling at you, his wings folded at his back, his golden skin gleaming brightly with his unnatural light. Your arms fall weakly from your breasts. His smile broadens.

Unnatural Instinct: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now