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Silence stretched. Aria's gaze didn't falter as she stared at the two. Her grandmother raised her hand, silencing whoever tried to speak among the nine persons behind her. When her grandfather spoke again, he asked everyone to accompany the guests downstairs. No one said a word when he made her walked between him and her grandmother. The guests were standing, holding glasses of champagne while admiring the school of koi fish in the crystal clear water of the wide fountain. Some probably went into the high maze, which is difficult to navigate. It covers 600 square meters of land, size of almost two basketball courts, designed and architected by Aria's dad. Located in the center is a six-foot odd-looking black castle surrounded by water. For her, it seemed like something she saw in horror books. Her grandparents, however, didn't know what inspired him to design it.

"Twenty minutes before fireworks," she heard someone says. Aria sat and the rest of the family followed. She glanced at them but they avoided her gaze and conversed with one another. A few minutes later, a group of people exited the maze. The six individuals looked tired and disappointed.

"We can't find the way so we retraced our steps to get out," the man told the others who were waiting outside. That maze is too complicated. But she succeeded in finding the way. It happened when she was 6 years old and her dad gave her hints or rules on how to get to the center. Since she already knew the way, she had forgotten the rules of what her dad called the Chronicle maze. He didn't explain what they are but it seemed that there are mazes built with the same design or rules applied.

When her grandfather announced that the firework show is starting, everyone looked up to the starry night sky. Flickering spots of lights erupted in heaven, forming different shapes in the heavens. When the show ended, her grandfather thanked the guests and one by one, they left. Today was her birthday but the celebration always ended up like a social event to flaunt who's the most beautiful, most wealthy, and most popular in the society. She didn't want to celebrate it but her birthday is also the anniversary of her grandparents' company so she had no choice but to come.

She looked around and found her grandfather talking seriously with his lead bodyguard, Ivan. He had been with the family since she could remember. He's a tall and muscular man but has a charming smile and personality. The two seemed to be in a tense conversation but what baffled her is, it's Ivan who appeared to be angry while her grandfather looked worried. She kept watching them until Ivan, who was still angry, hurriedly left. What was that about?

"We'll talk," his grandfather told her when all the guests had left. The family stood up and followed him towards the house.

The tense atmosphere covered the large family room when all twelve members of the family took their seats. Aria kept her head high but not looking at anyone. She knew that this day would come when her grandparents took will take a side between her and the others. She had mixed feelings about it, but she thought that it's the best way in order for her to leave without regret.

"When he left, the foundation of this family also crumpled," her grandfather began. He was talking about her dad, the eldest of the siblings and the heir. "Everyone blamed her...then you." Still, she didn't look at him. Scoffs were heard.

"I understand, grandfather. What do you want me to do?" She turned to him with a fake smile but it fell when she noticed that his eyes looked weary and sad.

"Nothing. I don't want you to do anything. The same with the rest of the family." Her eyes widened when he glared at her aunts and uncles. "You are adults. Act like one." She didn't expect him to scold them.

"Did she tell you that?" her aunt cried. Aria looked at her lap, wanting to be anywhere than this house.

"No," her grandmother replied softly.

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