Speed Limits don't exist in Hell (Gen)

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Mangle finds a car in the strange and unpredictable landscape of William's personal Hell, chaos ensues.

Type: Crack

Game: UCN

Inspiration: "Draw the Squad" Art by me (See top)



It was mostly quiet out in the void just outside the "Building" that served as entertainment for all of the souls there. But, as fun as torturing your greatest enemy may be, everyone took a break every once in a while.

Goldie and Mari were enjoying this break, half floating in nothing, half sitting on the fake and practically non-existing ground. Goldie was repainting their nails and Mari was reading a book and listening to the music coming from her mask that she had transformed into a pair of headphones.

All of a sudden, Mangle ran up to them.

"Guys, guys! You'll never guess what I found!" The fox bounced in front of Goldie and Mari and they both looked up at the clearly excited soul.

"Enlighten me." Said Goldie with a smile.

"Okay, okay," They giggled "So, I was explorin' the void, ya know, as you you do, and I found a car!" How cool is that!?" Mangle excitedly told the others who glanced at each other.

"Show us this car, Mangle." Said Mari as they both stood up.

Mari and Goldie followed Mangle until they reached what was indeed a car. Upon seeing it, Mari immediately recognised it. It was the same purple car that had driven up behind her on the day she was shut out so long ago.

"Of course, just like I thought. Its His." She said as she tried the doors which opened.

"Oh, um, sorry..." Said Mangle, worried that they may have struck a nerve.

"Don't be," Said Mari as she got inside the back seat and got her book out again, "Actually, I'm glad you found this, it's surprisingly comfortable in here."

"That's great!" Said Mangle as they went around to the other side and got into the front passenger seat, "What do you think Goldie?"

"I think that you just gave me an idea." Said Goldie with a smirk and turned around to go in the direction of the building.

Soon enough, Mangle and Mari had comfortably settled into the car, Mari still reading the book and listening to music and Mangle was wrapping new bandages around their stomach, when they heard someone scramble on top of the car along this lots of yelling. Mari didn't look up, she probably didn't even hear anything over her music, but Mangle did notice as Goldie jumped down from the car roof and brushed themself off. Mangle could still hear cursing from the car roof. Goldie got into the car's driver's seat.

"Stars, you'd think that someone who's undead and hasn't eaten in God know how long would be a lot lighter than that." They said with a huff.

"Who ya got there?" Said Mangle as they finished up with the bandages

"Take a look." Said Goldie with a smirk on their face. So, Mangle did just that, they put their hand out the window and grabbed the roof and then pulled themself up and out of it only to come face to face with the man they all loved to torture.

"Oh! Hi there Willy Wonka!" They said to the man who was now duct-taped to the car's roof.

"Get me down from here, Trashpile!" Shouted the man in his British accent.

"Nope!" Exclaimed Mangle as they ignored the insult and sunk back down into the car. Once they did they asked Goldie "So, what'cha planning to do with him?" To answer that question, Goldie revved up the engine.

"We're gonna drive into the horizon." Said Goldie, that smirk still hasn't left their face.

"Cool, cool, but, um, I don't think neither of us can drive very well..." Said Mangle

At this, Goldie turned to face the fox "Who says you have to drive well?"

It wasn't long before they were tearing through the void in the purple car. Goldie had stuck their entire torso out of their window and was screaming into the not-quite-darkness as their hat flew off their head, they'll get Dee Dee to find it later. Mangle was cheering from the passenger seat, one hand holding onto Goldie's leg and the other onto the handle above their door. William, of course, was screaming from the roof of the car, his cursed bunny ears pushed back by fear and wind. Mari had only just noticed the speed at which the car was going but simply shrugged and went back to reading.

"YOU MANIAC! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY SPEED LIMITS YOU ARE BREAKING!?" Yelled the demon, still duct-taped to the roof of the car.

"Sorry old man, BUT SPEED LIMITS DON'T EXIST IN HELL! WHOOOO!!" Goldie yelled right back.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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