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A service was held for the young wolves that Victoria had killed trying to get to me. I hadn't fully recovered and couldn't attend, only making my sense of guilt worse. Despite Carlisle's assurance that everything was fine I knew it was anything but, especially since I had yet to hear from anyone other than Jake or Kara. I knew only one name, Brady. The two others I didn't know but according to Jake, Seth was taking it harder than the rest. He'd just lost three childhood friends because of me.

My eyes skimmed over my gaunt features as the cast came off my neck and arm, the air hitting my skin for the first time in weeks. I forced myself to look at the spidery scars and stitches that webbed over my neck and shoulder, the clawed marks on my bicep that would probably never fade. Nausea built in my throat but I swallowed it down, trying to stay relaxed.

"Well, bye-bye tank tops," I joked weakly. Carlisle sent me a look through the mirror before continuing his work.

"We'll see how it comes together once the stitches are ready for removal. I'm optimistic it won't scar as bad as you think, Emma."

"Might as well, I'm already covered in them," I sighed. "How long until I can work again?"

"Not for a while. I don't want you pushing yourself." I bit back my sarcastic remark as he finished applying a bandage to my wound. "You can take this off in the shower, just make sure once it's dried you put a new one on. And the antibiotics should be coming in today as well, I had them sent here since you can't go home yet." He was quiet for a moment. "If you need a place to stay-"

"I can't stay here and you know it. I'll be fine staying with Billy and Jake until I find a new house," I assured. "Trust me, they'll make sure I do everything you tell me to."

I stood slowly, still getting my bearings as I faced Carlisle's worried expression. "If you keep frowning you're gonna get wrinkles." This seemed to cheer him up a bit as a small smile came to his face.

"Have you heard from Paul?"

"No, not since he came by." I walked away slowly, not wanting to continue the conversation. "I think I'll head to the res since I'm de-casted."

"Are you sure? If you're not ready-"

"Carlisle. I'm alright. I'll go straight to Jake's and rest some more."

He didn't seem entirely happy with my answer but let me go anyway. I thanked the whole family for their kindness and hospitality while I recovered and climbed in my rental, exiting the driveway.

Except I didn't go straight to Jake's. I went to Emily's knowing everyone, including Paul, would be there. I was nervous, thinking that there was no way Paul hadn't ranted about my choices to everyone. But I was standing by them and if they didn't like it then they could get over it. Carlisle was my friend, someone who quite literally saved my life twice now. Why couldn't he understand that?

I pulled in cautiously, turning the car off slowly as though it would make my arrival quieter. Although, with supernatural hearing they probably already knew I was there. I zipped up my jacket as far as it would go before trudging up to the porch.

The door swung open almost violently as Emily darted out to me. "Emma?! My God, are you alright?" Her arms wrapped gently around me though I still winced at the contact. "We've been so worried about you! Paul said you had to stay at the Cullen's because of your injuries."

I was in mild shock as the words tumbled from her mouth. "Yeah, I'm still not fully recovered but-" I was cut off by the sound of Emily crying, her arms shaking slightly around me. "Emily?"

She pulled back wiping her eyes quickly. "I'm so sorry...I was just so scared you wouldn't come back. I thought you wouldn't recover or you'd be too scared to come over again, God knows it took me months to step foot outside again-"

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