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"You're awfully quiet. Penny for your thoughts?" I turned to look at Paul who sat across the couch from me, eyes observing. It was Friday night and according to Alice the army of vampires would arrive the next morning. I would go with Paul to meet the pack at Emily and Sam's before they would be on their way and I would keep Emily, Kara and Kim company. Simple enough, right?

"Just thinking about tomorrow. About us. Rhett too, and work."

"You'll make yourself dizzy thinking about everything at once. What's wrong?"

I sighed and let my head fall back to rest on the couch. "Paul, what are we?"

That seemed to catch him off guard and he took a moment to answer. "Whatever you want us to be."

"I don't know what that is, Paul. I don't know how I feel anymore," I admitted. "The last thing I want to do is lead you on in thinking that this is something different than what it is...but I can't even figure out what it is."

Paul looked away, focusing on the carpet in front of him. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to bring up a topic like this the night before the battle. Then again, maybe it was.

"Emma I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I don't love you." My head snapped in his direction. "Because I do love you. I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. And it's been hell watching you live your life with another man, especially when he was as good a man as he was. I know you're confused and hurting, believe me the last thing I want to do is add to that. But I do, I love you."

With that he looked back up to me, a new determination in his eyes. I was rendered speechless. I had no way of responding to him. Paul loved me and I didn't have anything to say back to him.

The rest of the night was quiet to say the least. I was immersed in my thoughts while Paul spent his time watching the trees from his porch. I thought back to my conversation with Leah and Kara, what they had said. Was I betraying Rhett by being with Paul? Or would he want me to move on? I loved Rhett, I always would...but did I feel something for Paul too?

Since discovering the imprint bond, I'd done nothing but reject it. Rhett's angry words from the night of the accident constantly reverberated in my mind every time I thought of the imprint. Would he have given up on us?

He would want you to be happy. But would he accept Paul as part of that happiness?

I couldn't switch my mind off to sleep, and I ended up staying awake until the sun began to rise. Paul had come trudging out of his room early, brewing a pot of coffee and silently handing me a cup.

"Did you sleep?" I shook my head. "You need sleep, Emma."

"I can't sleep, Paul. Not today." I sipped my coffee. "I won't sleep until I know it's over and she's dead."

He sighed heavily and knelt in front of me. "I'll rip her apart myself if that's what it takes for you to feel safe again."

I looked up and met his gaze, unwavering and unspoken promises deep in his eyes. I wanted to say so many things that I'd discovered about myself last night while thinking things over, but the words never formed. All I could do was stare at him, memorizing his face. Why did this feel

"Let's get ready to go. Maybe you can take a nap at Emily's."

Unfortunately their house was buzzing with activity. The whole pack was there, and boy were there a lot of them. It was so overwhelming standing in the door, I had no idea how Emily seamlessly handled the chaos from the kitchen. Paul gave my shoulder a squeeze before moving to join his alpha as the boys prepared for the battle ahead. I moved to join Emily as Leah and Kara walked through the door.

Bear No Malice | Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now