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I woke up to the sound of the leaky faucet, the florescent light above me burning my eyes. I inhaled sharply and sat up, neck muscles burning in protest to the awkward position I'd slept in. The rifle still loaded next to me hadn't moved, the door was still locked, and my watch indicated it was about midmorning.

I was alive, Victoria hadn't come for me.

I heaved a sigh of relief and set the gun against the sink, pulling my clothes off and turning the hot water on. I scrubbed myself clean and washed my hair before stepping out and grabbing a towel from the linen closet just down the hall.

I pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, using one of Rhett's flannels as a jacket while I let my hair air-dry for the day. After brewing coffee and eating a slice of toast I walked out onto the front porch and sat in my chair. Jacob's bike was gone from the driveway that now stood empty.

I needed a new car.

I groaned at the thought of needing to spend copious amounts of money dealing with the truck dealership and acquiring a new vehicle. The most I could afford at this point was a used piece of scrap at best. Until the money started rolling in again from the hospital I was stuck with my two legs.

I decided to call the hospital, letting them know I was back and setting up a date for the following week to return to work. My injuries were mostly healed but I'd be kept on light duty until Dr. Cullen fully cleared me. After the call ended, I realized I still had to speak with him at some point, and with Paul.


The thought of him sent my mind into a tizzy. I wasn't sure where we stood after my nasty words before I'd left. I'd have to apologize at some point but that also meant growing a pair and actually going to see him.

I'd rather get shot in the foot than go see him.

I waited until it was almost noon before pulling on my shoes and making the long walk to Emily's place. It was tense to say the least but I knew it needed to be done. Just rip the band-aid off and get it over with. But as I started to see the roof of their house peek over the hill I got the overwhelming urge to turn and run. My palms grew clammy and a sweat broke out on my brow. I could face a fucking vampire but I couldn't face my friends, it seemed.

As I approached the front porch the door swung open revealing Jake, shirtless and grinning at me.

"You made it!" I rolled my eyes and smiled back reluctantly. "You could've called me, I would've picked you up."

"Nah, the fresh air does me good. Besides, I gotta build my strength back up." I peered around him to the door. "Is everyone here?"

Jake nodded and placed an arm around my shoulders. "You really don't have to do this so soon, you know. Nobody's going to blame you for being scared."

For some reason Jacob's words struck a nerve inside me. Scared? Scared of what? Them for being wolves? Or scared because I was practically rejecting this imprint bond with Paul? I wasn't scared of a lot of things. Spiders, yes. But a group of people that welcomed me with open arms despite being a complete stranger? Even if they shifted into a pack of large, vicious wolves they never once made a move to hurt anyone that I knew of. Well, except for Victoria but I doubt anyone was heartbroken over that.

"I'm not scared," I finally breathed. The look in Jake's eyes let me know he believed otherwise. "Seriously, I'm not. You guys saved my life, and even though it's definitely different to what I've ever known there's no reason to be afraid."

"Yeah well, not everyone sees it that way. But I'm glad that you do," Jake admitted. "I didn't really expect you to come back after the funeral."

"Me either. But that wouldn't be fair to Rhett. He wanted to start a life out here. The least I can do is see that through for him." I squared my shoulders and nodded towards the house. "Come on, let's get inside and get some food."

Bear No Malice | Paul LahoteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant