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Jimin POV

The bed jostles and I open the one eye I'm not sleeping on. Moonlight streams through my bedroom window and dances over Quae's nude form as she tries to quietly slip from my hold.

I'm laying on my stomach, the arm that once held her close now stretched empty across the bed. Admiring her amazing curves, my eyes drag down her body as she stands and turns to the side searching the floor for her clothing.

Quae tucks some of her hair behind her ear before bending over to lift two pieces of clothing from the floor. I raise my head and reach my hand to her, wrapping it around her wrist gently.

"Please stay the night with me."

Quae sighs and looks at me with sad eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea, Ji. I think that would exacerbate your situation."

"I didn't get to wake up with you last time and I'll never have this chance again. You're just going to go to your room and sleep anyway. Just stay here.. with me." I softly plea.

Quae hesitates for a moment before slowly sliding back into my bed.

My heart fluttering, I try to hold it together as I watch her gather her hair with both hands and lay it on the pillow above her head. My eyes memorize every freckle on her face and I smile feeling relaxed just by being this close to her.

I notice the darkened bruise on her collarbone and my smile falters.

"Did you make your memory?" Quae questions softly drawing my attention to her eyes.

"Do I satisfy you, Quae?" I ask just above a whisper.

"It doesn't matter. This was for -"

"It matters. I didn't fuck you. We made love to each other. Both of us did, and you can't tell me you didn't feel something being with me."

She sighs and looks up to the ceiling. "Ji, I told you I'm not straight nor will I ever be. What I may or may not have felt doesn't matter. This was your do over."

"That's not what I'm saying. I don't mean the sex. I mean being that close, that intimate with me. Being naked with you inside and out is an inexplicable feeling. It's like the rest of the world doesn't matter as long as I'm with you and I'm fine with that. I feel like I can truly share anything with you. You satisfy me. Do I do the same for you?"

"Ji, please stop this. You're only hurting yourself. I didn't give my body to you again for you to try and make something where there isn't anything to be made! I can't watch you continue to cry over me as if we dated or something when nothing happened except we fucked!" Quae's voice gradually increases as she speaks.

Before she inhales from saying her last word, I slip my arm around her waist pulling our bodies together with hers slightly under mine and I capture her lips in a tender kiss. Our lips sync well together and my leg glides over hers to the bed between her thighs.

She moves her leg further under me and places her hands on my sides landing my body on top of hers. I pull my face back just a bit stroking my nose against hers before saying, "Tell me you didn't feel that. It was like the atmosphere instantly calmed when our bodies touched. There was a connection like you've never had with anyone before."

"You just want to fuck again, don't you?" Quae chuckles. "I can feel how hard you are against my leg."

"I told you it's not about the sex, Quae. It's just you. It's always been just you. Do I satisfy you? Please answer me honestly."

"Are you hoping we'll fuck again if I say yes? Is that what you're going for?" Her hands glide down to my waist and circle around to my lower back.

"I'm serious," I say before her hands press onto my ass pushing my crotch further between her legs. I bite my lip trying to will myself to calm down. "I don't have another condom."

"I'm surprised you even wanted to wear one. I couldn't find the first one when we were done. I was going to throw it away because you were so wasted."

"It was in my pants pocket. I didn't -"

"Ew, that's gross. Hope you tied it in a knot when you took it off." She tilts her head with a slight grin observing my reaction.

I exhale deeply ready for the fallout of explaining my morning after discovery. "Quae, I'm not sure -" I start before she cuts me off.

"Yes." She nibbles her bottom lip, pink and puffy from kissing.

"What?" I pull my face back from hers and my eyes turn to saucers.

"You do satisfy me. I feel a similar connection, but not as intense. I do relax and let my guard down around you and feel safe in doing so. However, I believe that this, here today, is the end of our sexual experiences together. I can be close to you and calm fully clothed whereas you need a physical connection to feel the same."

Quae pushes me off of her and I, as stubborn as I am, don't let go of her. We roll over in the bed with her now topping me.

She straddles me and the heat from her center is directly in contact with still sensitive parts of my anatomy. She moves her hips up a bit prompting me to close my eyes and muffle my moan.

"For the love of everything, please don't move your hips right now."

"Why not? I thought it wasn't about the sex, Ji."

"Because I am still a man and would love nothing more than to be inside of you again. In our current position I am half an inch from being there. Please don't tease me, Quae. I'm not strong enough to tell you no."

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