Laid Bare

473 36 6

Jimin POV

"I need to piss," Quae says. I know she only wants to change the subject. "And I really have to shower, too. I can't believe we just slept for fourteen fucking hours."

"You don't think trying to fix our friendship is a bit more important?"

"If you're still around when I'm done, we'll talk then." She turns to walk down to the hallway bathroom but before she enters she adds over her shoulder, "No pressure to stay though."

I return to my seat on the sofa to wait for Quae. No way was I leaving when she was right here. I can't believe she'd been here the whole time and Taehyung hadn't told me.

I pull my phone from my pocket and see twenty missed calls and fifteen texts from Sunnie, two texts from Hoseok, and one text from my brother Seokjin. I open Seokjin's first.

Short, sweet, and to the point it only contains two words, 'I'm sorry'. I reply with two words of my own.

'Fuck you'.

Next, I move on to Hoseok's texts. The first just asked where I was. I'd forgotten I was supposed to meet him for a late dinner last night.

I'd realized I haven't replied to Taehyung much the past few weeks and stopped by to wait until Hoseok was able to leave work. That's probably why Taehyung never mentioned Quae was staying with him, because I never gave him the chance to tell me. I've been such a bad friend to him lately.

The next text from Hoseok was just him saying he'd text me today. I reply to let him know I found Quae at Taehyung's and am waiting to talk to her. I apologized for missing dinner the night before and said I'd fill him in on what happened later.

Sunnie's texts are a whole other mess I don't even put much thought into. She starts off apologizing then on to blaming me for her cheating on me then back to how much she misses me.

I delete them all without a reply.

I hear the shower stop and I rush to the bathroom door. I've got to pee and didn't think to ask to go before Quae showered.

The door is cracked open so I assume she's done. Opening the door my body freezes when my eyes lock on Quae's nearly naked form.

Her hair is down covering her undercut design and she's only in her designed boxer briefs. Her skin is smooth and flushed from the warm shower.

I've never once thought about Quae having breasts but there they are, big and round with perfect nipples my eyes can't pull themselves from.

"What the hell, Ji!" Quae reaches for her towel covering her chest. "You act like you never saw them before! Shit!"

"I-I," I stutter trying to get blood back to my brain. "I'm sorry! I had to pee and the door was cracked so I thought you were done and dressed but you weren't and I'm sorry!"

"What the hell ever, dude," Quae rolls her eyes and stomps past me towards the spare room. "If you visited your friend's apartments more you would know Taehyung has a whole ass bathroom in his bedroom."

I stare at my reflection in the mirror while I wash my hands after using the restroom. My entire face is swollen from how hard I slept. My eyes look the worst. I splash some water on my face and rinse my mouth out before seeking out Quae.

She's still in her room twisting her hair up in a knot on the top of her head. She's fully clothed in shorts and a tee shirt and I notice she's wearing a sports bra that restrains her chest. I lean against the door frame. "I'm sorry again for walking in on you."

"You'd think you never saw tits the way you were staring," she jokes halfheartedly. "Why were mine so different?"

"They were yours, Quae. I never thought about you having them and then boom there they were and they were beautiful and I -" I stop before I upset her again.

She stops and drops her shoulders looking toward the ceiling. "What are you expecting, Ji? I told you I'm still a lesbian. That night didn't change anything for me other than it let me know who my best friend really was and what he really thought about me."

She turns to face me, putting her hands in her pockets. "How long have you been holding on to all of that?"

I chew on my upper lip. "Don't lie, Jimin Park."

"I realized I felt something for you the day you came out to your parents. I thought my heart hurt for you having to tell them but it also hurt because you being gay meant I didn't have a chance. Your happiness meant more to me than my own so I kept my feelings in check. I decided it was better to have you as a friend than lose you by confessing. I guess Wasted Jimin didn't get the memo." I hang my head in shame.

Quae sits on her bed fiddling with her fingers. "And Sunnie?"

"I never slept with her. She didn't -," I raise my head and look to the window. I can feel Quae staring at me waiting for my reply. I gulp and lay my soul bare yet again. "She didn't make me feel the way you do."

"Ji, you've got to stop this," Quae begins as she shakes her head.

"Nobody has ever made me feel the way you do which is why I waited for the one that would. I never thought that night between us would happen but it did and I wouldn't take it back for anything. I know that I've given a special part of myself to a woman that I care deeply for and I always will."

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