The One Who Mattered

480 34 14

Quae POV

I hear someone clear their throat and open my eyes to see Taehyung sitting in the recliner across from me. I blink away sleep and shift to sit up trying to remember when I fell asleep. There is a large bouquet of flowers sitting on the coffee table next to a half eaten pizza that has now gone cold.

"Why are there flowers on the table, Tae?"

"Probably shouldn't talk so loud, Quae. Jimin might wake up." He sounds and looks angrily at me nodding towards my lap.

I look down and there lay Jimin, his head in my lap and face pressed to my stomach sleeping peacefully. He has one arm wrapped around my waist and the other holding my thigh.

His mouth is parted and his breaths are deep nearly snoring which means one thing; he hasn't slept in days. In all honesty, I haven't either but after having him in my life for so long, I'd taken for granted the fact that he was my peace that helped me to sleep at night.

Was, past tense.

"How long has he been here?" Taehyung asks, standing and putting his hands in his pockets.

"I don't - uhm," I rub my eyes trying to remember. "When you called about the pizza. What time is it?"

"Eleven-thirty." His words are all sharp but I don't know why. His face is blank so no help there.

"I've been asleep for two hours? Holy shit!" I exclaim causing Jimin to squirm and moan in his sleep.

"In the morning. You've slept for fourteen hours, Quae. You and Jimin." He walks to the kitchen reaching for a soda from the refrigerator.

I slip Jimin from my lap and walk to meet Taehyung by the sink. "Why didn't you wake us when you came home?"

"I didn't feel it was my place. You both have missed each other and neither of you have been sleeping and I know for a fact you haven't been eating." He takes a drink from his can and swallows, looking sadly at the counter. "You need each other."

"I don't need Jimin. I'm just used to having him arou-"

"Bullshit, Quae, and you fucking know it!" Taehyung's eyes pierce mine. "It doesn't matter what lies you let spill from your mouth, we both know you and Jimin have too much history to not need each other now."

"Hold the fucking phone, Taehyung! There's only one liar here and that's Jimin! And where is all this hostility coming from?" I turn to face him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What could he have lied about? Wait, let me guess," He puts his fingertips to his temples and closes his eyes.


Opening his eyes he looks at me and says, "He told you he didn't father Sunnie's baby? Bet you'd feel like a jackass if I told you that he still has never lied to you."

"What are you talking about? I've seen the ultrasound photos. The morning after Jimin and I - when we had you and Hobi over she barged in waking me up with the pics."

I hope Taehyung didn't catch my near slip up.

"Oh, no she really is pregnant," he says taking another sip of his soda. "It's not Jimin's though. It's his brother Seokjin's."

"Holy shiiit," I gasp out looking to the sofa. "Sunnie cheated on Jimin with his own brother? What a bitch!"

My conscience begins to weigh down on me as I stare at Jimin's sleeping form curled on the couch. I didn't believe him when he told me he never slept with Sunnie. I took someone else's word over my best friend.

"He can't function without you, Quae. He wasn't sleeping and had to take a leave from work because he was too worried about where you were and if you were safe. Your apartment is a disaster, by the way. It's like when you left, his whole world stopped rotating."

Taehyung turns and leans against the counter beside me, still looking at Jimin. "What happened between you two?"

Jimin shuffles on the sofa, rolling onto his back then his side again before blinking and squinting his eyes. He raises his head, looking around the room before his eyes land on Taehyung and me.

He pulls himself up to sitting and rubs his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon," Taehyung replies sitting his soda on the counter and grabbing his car keys. "I'll be back later," he says quietly to me and I nod, watching him walk to the door. "Text me later, Jimin."

"Yeah, man. Sure." Jimin's morning voice was gruff. He smacks his lips with a face of distaste and asks, "Could I have something to drink please?"

"Yeah," I turn to the refrigerator to grab a soda and when I turn Jimin is standing behind me. I hand him his soda and watch as he opens the can and downs it.

Not a single drip escapes his lips and I watch his Adam's apple bob and the tiny beauty mark on the side dance as he swallows. Jimin has always had what he called 'a straight girl's dream neck'. He said girls always wanted to mark his neck as proof of where they'd been but Jimin wouldn't allow it.

He said he was saving it for the one who really mattered. I frown remembering the day he told me that.

"Are we going to be okay, Quae? I miss you."

Avowal // pjm [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora