The Breakup

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Jimin POV

I wake up the next day in Quae's bed naked and alone. My head is throbbing and I race to the toilet to vomit. After emptying everything I'd eaten for the whole week I pass out on the floor of the bathroom with a towel over my privates which is where Hoseok finds me later that evening. Quae is still nowhere in sight.

"I thought I was the wasted one yesterday, Jimin. You used to be able to hold your liquor pretty well. What happened to you?" Hoseok asks as he carries me to my room. He drops me on my bed and goes to my dresser to find some pants for me to put on. "I'd rather not see your dick and balls today, thank you very much."

"Oh, Hobi you're so funny when I'm dying. That's just what I need," I groan into the bed. "Have you seen Quae?"

"Not since last night. Why?" Hoseok pitches my pants to me and drops himself at the foot of my bed with his back to me. "Put those on. Do you want a shirt too?"

"No, no shirt. I'd just end up getting vomit on it." I pull my pants on and throw the towel near the bedroom door with the rest of my laundry. "She wasn't here when I woke up this morning. Where's my phone?"

"How much more did you drink after we left? And how the hell should I know where your phone is?" He pulls out his own phone and dials my number. I hear it ring in the distance. Hoseok gets up leaving the room with his phone in his hand to search out mine. "Jimin! What the shit is your phone doing in Quae's room?"

Last night comes back in small flashes. "Oh fuck." I mumble to myself. Hoseok is standing in my doorway holding both of our phones with a curious look on his face. "I must've dropped it in my drunken stupor. Can I have it please?"

"Dropped it, you say? Then why was it in your pants pocket on Quae's floor?" He raises an eyebrow and I grit my teeth. "And why were your pants in Quae's bedroom with your underwear inside them?" I give him my best puppy dog eyes. "Because that would imply you were naked in or around Quae's bed, Jimin. Something you need to tell me?"

"No. Can I have my phone please?" I plead holding my hand out. Hoseok throws my phone to me and I clumsily catch it immediately unlocking it to check for missed calls or messages. I have five messages, four from Sunnie and one from Taehyung. They can wait. I need to find Quae.

"Anything good going on in cell phone land?" Hoseok looks at me with crossed arms. 

"No," I reply dialing Quae's number. Voicemail. I try again. Voicemail again. "Shit."

"She's not answering you? You must've really fucked up big time. Talk to me." Hoseok walks over and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Okay, what I'm about to tell you doesn't seem logical and I don't remember a lot but I know that this happened. So, brace yourself."

"Consider me braced even though I feel like I already know what you're going to say."

I furrow my brows. "There's no way you're prepared for this one."

"You fucked Quae, didn't you?" He looks unsurprised at his guess.

"What the shit, Hobi! How did you know?"

"Holy fucking shit I didn't know! It was just a guess! You fucked your gay best friend? And she let you? How the hell does that happen? I need lots of details!" His jaw is agape and I feel like he's way to excited about all of this.

"We were both way too wasted to be making decisions but we made some anyway. I don't know how we ended up in her bed. I don't remember that. I don't know what I don't know and Quae isn't answering her phone."

"Hope you at least had enough sense to use a condom." Hoseok's statement sent shocks all through my system. I don't know if I did or not. My eyes enlarge and my mouth drops. "Oh shit, Jimin. You didn't, did you?"

I jump up and bolt to Quae's room where my jeans are still laying crumpled in her floor. I hear Hoseok follow behind me. Digging through my pockets, I find my wallet and open it hoping that my emergency condom is missing. My discovery causes panic.

I turn to Hoseok holding the unopened gold foil packet. "Oh fuck me."


Quae has avoided me for the last three days. I've called and text but she doesn't reply. I still don't remember what all happened that night and I can't get in touch with her to find out. 

I leave work early just because I'm worried about Quae and can't seem to get anything productive accomplished. To my surprise, she's standing in the kitchen when I arrive home. I rush to her and wrap my arms around her. "Holy shit, Quae! You scared the fuck out of me! I'm so glad you're safe. You are okay, aren't you? Where have you been?"

"Get the fuck off me, dude." Her tone is cold and full of hate.

"Quae? What happened? Are you mad at me? Please look at me. I've been worried about you."

She turns around and her eyes are puffy and red. She's been crying. "Why are you so concerned about how I feel now, Ji? You weren't three nights ago."

I'm confused. "What are you talking about? Of course I was concerned about how you feel then just as I am now. I don't remember a lot about what happened, but I do remember something special between us -"

"Shut it, Ji! You're so full of shit! And I tried to blame me being gullible on the alcohol but I know deep down a part of me wanted the same thing you did. I trusted you and you threw my trust back in my face!" She yells and shoves me. Hard. Quae's never laid a hand on me out of anger.

"Quae!" I grab her hands to stop her from shoving me. "What are you going on about? How did I betray your trust?"

"You were no fucking virgin. Your prissy ass girlfriend is pregnant. That's why you broke up!"

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