Fourteen ~ Three Big Wolves

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We watched as the hungry flames licked up everything. The Poseidon children tried to put it out with water, but there was too much.

When the last flame had cooled, we went over to where Meg's ashes lay, a tear trailed from Alyssa's eye.

"I COULDN'T EVEN HAVE HER SKULL!" Alyssa wailed dramatically.

Lyra gave her a sideways glance before wrapping her arm around Mollos's shoulder mournfully. Though that didn't last long as Mollos, unable to stand human contact, shoved it off.

A tear leaked my eyes, dripping off my chin. I barely got to know Meg, but she seemed to keep everyone somewhat sane. And by that, I mean not letting them set the universe on fire. 

"Anyone have any pennies?" Percy croaked through the tears clogging his throat.

Lyra fumbled through her pocket before finding some loose change. She placed them where Meg's eyes had been and stepped back.

"Meg," she began. "Your body may be gone from this world, but you will stay in our hearts."

Alex paused his grape juggling to speak, "I can't speak for everyone, but you'll be missed."

Lenores stepped forward. "One day, I'll save the world. And the first person I'll think of will be you."

"Um... We'll miss you," I said. It was simple, but I couldn't think of anything to say.


Lenores shut her eyes and sighed.

"Meg, you are the sanest person I know, although considering who we know, that's not really saying much," Percy chuckled a little through his tears.

Chloe slapped his arm before s. aying her words of respect to Meg. "Meg, you were great to us, and we won't forget you."

There was silence for a while as we tried to remember who hadn't spoken. Then, very slowly, all heads turned to Mollos. 

She looked up from whatever she was doing on her phone, a look of puzzlement on her face. "What are you guys staring at?"

We stared at her for a moment longer.

Finally she rolled her eyes, "ugh fine! I say some stupid words to make you feel happy for some reason."

We stopped staring at her like ogling babies after that.

"Meg, you yelled a lot, but then you watched Sherlock. Somehow you yelled a lot more after that."

"OF COURSE! BECAUSE SHERLOCK RULES!" said... well, do you think I need to say who? Unless it was Meg's ghost back from the dead of course. Mollos just frowned at her before going back on her phone.

Anyway... we said her goodbyes and Alyssa started making plans for a time machine so she could get Meg's eyeball as a keepsake.

"Okay, so what do we do next?" Percy asked. Everyone suddenly started to realise how lost we were. "um... any other visions, Lenores?" he asked hopefully.

Lenores shook her head in despair.

So we trudged on, hoping to at least get out of this dump. There was barely a word spoken.

We reached the edge of the forest. Clearly we had gone the wrong way, so we made our way to turn back, but Percy halted us.

He pointed to some corpses of large wolves.

From some instinct, I opened my hand. I held a tiny charm just like the leaf, but in the shape of a bow. My heart caught in my throat.

What did these people want?

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