Thirteen ~ I See Fire

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They shot something into the side of my neck, leaving me feeling sleepy. The world around me was a little blurry, too.

The gun lady untied me from the chair and dragged me up. I didn't fight, I just stumbled around, following their lead without struggle.

"Alright there, young 'un?" The gun lady asked. Instinctively, I nodded. "Well, you're gonna have some fun where we're going," I just went along with it and stood with them.

The Bald guy seemed to be searching for something on one of the walls, until he found it, something small and round. He grasped it, twisted it, and pushed forward.

My mouth gaped open when the wall went along with Bald Guy and transformed into a sort of door. No, it was a door. At his hand, I noticed a pitch black globe doorhandle.

He turned his shiny head back towards me, wearing a similar smirk to Leo's prankster one, but much, much worse.

"Move it," the gun lady shoved me forward with the nuzzle of her gun. I obeyed lazily and wandered through the door, Gun Lady following behind, before Bald Guy strolled in too, shutting the door as he went.

On the other side of the doorway, we were outside. No, it wasn't an escape out of Hoover Dam; we were in an entirely different place.

There were bright flowers of many colours blooming in neat patches around. The grass fresh and tidy in between. Somewhere far to the left was many neat garden beds with beautiful, juicy looking vegetables.

Over a distance, I could see rows and rows of trees of all kinds, many bearing  beautiful fruits that looked so tasty, you would feel as if you could eat them with your eyes.

"Demeter's garden," Bald Guy noted. "Where shall we start?" He turned around to face Gun Lady.

"We'll start at the trees, Gerold?" The gun lady said.

Gerold? I wondered. Then I realised that Bald Guy's parents probably gave him a proper name, oddly enough.

"Get the petrol ready, then, Minny," Gerold said to Gun Lady. An odd name for someone intimidating with guns that look like they'd shoot at any moment.

Suddenly Minny pulled out a large can of petrol from some random pocket of her coat and chucked it into Gerold's hands. He unscrewed the lid, sniffed it for some reason, and started to pour it over the flowers.

He whistled as he started heading towards the vegetables to pour over, then at last, he rimmed the base of the tree trunks.

"Come on," Minny shoved me toward the trees where Gerold was shaking out the last drops of petrol onto an apple tree. I obeyed, starting to feel a little drowsy. 

She then handed me a box of matches. I just stared at it, confused.

"This is your time," I felt Gerold's voice brushing my ear. "Burn this place down and you shall be rewarded."

Slowly, I opened the match box and took out a match stick.

"Yes, very good. You shall be the one to do this. Burn this place to an ash and you shall be rewarded," the voice hissed quietly.

With one sharp strike, the stick was on fire and I threw it onto the ground, where the fire caught, and within seconds, it was spreading fast around Demeter's garden.

"NO!" I looked up to see Alyssa racing towards me, looking rather panicked. She took off her coat and started batting at the fire. Then all the other came and did the same.

Minny shot at them, but missed. It was too late to do anything, the garden was crisping to black. I felt something in my hand, so I opened it and found some sort of charm. It was green and shaped like a leaf.

Before I could examine It properly though, Gerold snatched it up. I ran to my friends to ask them what was happening but I couldn't find the will to do it. Alyssa was shooting at Minny, while Mollos was throwing darts like a pro.

I just stood there, dumbstruck, doing nothing.

I looked around. Chloe was trying to put out the fire with her water powers, while Meg and Lenores were leaping from tree to tree, trying to grab some fruit to preserve.

I looked back at Minny as reality seemed to start coming back to me. I sprinted towards her and noticed something gold by her feet. 

I picked it up, opened it into the spear and stabbed her right in the chest. Minny shot one final bullet in the air before collapsing onto the ground.

I heard a distant scream and when my head snapped towards the sound, I found a black-haired girl lying unmoving at the foot of one of the trees, blood oozing from her chest. 

It didn't take long for me to know that was Meg. Everything seemed to go quiet and turned into slow motion. 

As I looked around, I noticed another thing: Gerold wasn't there.


Long time, eh? sorry about that. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and that it made you really happy.


Plus, it's nothing personal. I just wanted to kill someone, and er I was gonna make meg the one to get lost anyway. shist, I forgot about my other plan I had, which would've been fun. oh well.

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