Six ~ We Plan Capture The Flag

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I hadn't even gone into the Hermes Cabin and now I was already moving into the Athena Cabin. Meg and Annabeth and some people I didn't know welcomed me as their new sister, even though I was only their half sister.

The place was neat, and it seemed less crowded than the Hermes Cabin probably would've been. There was even a bookshelf in the corner.

I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to be able to read those books because of my Dyslexia, but at least I had a nice place to stay.

I looked around for a bed to choose, when Meg called in a military sort of way, "Alright guys, we need our plans for Capture The Flag in a couple of days. Who have we got on our team?"

I looked around, confused. What was Capture The Flag? I didn't know. The Athena kids, my siblings... that was weird, they were gathering around on the floor in front of Meg who was marching up and down.

"Gather our troops from the Hephaestus, Apollo, Hades, Iris, Demeter, Dionysus, and Aphrodite cabins, Ken," Meg pointed at a tall guy with grey eyes and scruffy black hair, who got up and raced outside the cabin. Not long after, many others were  pouring into the Athena Cabin, making the place hot and stuffy.

"Why can't we have the meeting outside?" I looked around to find it was Mollos who spoke. 

"Because, Mols, they'll be able to hear u, but here, we've got a charm so they can't hear us. Plus, the room can enlarge, thanks to the gifts of Athena," she explained.

"Great. Who's our defense?" asked a girl with tanned skin and choppy uneven brown hair.

"I think the Hades and Hephaestus kids should be on lookout," Meg pointed to Mollos and Nico. "While the Dionysus, Demeter, and Aphrodite kids are on defense. Us Athens will be going for the flag."

"Meg! No fair! Why should the Athena kids get all the glory?" asked the same girl.

"Because we're good at strategizing?"

"Then you can strategize defense as us Aphrodite kids will go to catch the flag. Sounds fair?"

Meg sighed. "Fine, Aphrodite can catch it, while the Hehpaestusus kids set up traps for the other team. While the Iris kids will trick the others making them think that's where we're going. Fair?"

Everyone nodded their heads, though I had no clue as to what was happening.

"Great. And Mollos, you be my co-captain."

The dark blonde haired girl rolled her eyes as she stood up, muttering, "Great, Meg. Just choose a co-captain after the plans have been made," she muttered.

"Yes, Mollos, what else could I have done?"

"Are we gonna die?" I asked.

That caused a few laughs, and some muffled giggling from the other people. Meg stared at me as if she never thought I could say such a thing.

"Did Chloe mention Capture The Flag?" Meg asked me.

"Erm... no. She mostly just talked about Cabins, Solangelo and..." I tried to remember what else we talked about. "Oh and how we had to sit with our Cabin mates when we eat in the Mess Hall."

Meg sighed. "That's it? I guess I'll have to tell you about everything else later."

"ALRIGHT PEEPS!" Mollos commanded everyone in the room, "You know your roles. We shall meet again tomorrow with some strategies. Oh and if possible, gather information on the other team's strategy."

There was a lot of shuffling around as many people left the Athena Cabin and went back to their own. 

The Athena kids and Mollos stayed behind. 

"OKAY, MORTAL BEING WE'RE GONNA TEACH YOU THE RULES OF CAPTURE THE FLAG," Mollos screamed at me for no reason at all. I just assumed either she didn't like me or she loved seeing terror on people's  faces.

"Uhm... okay..." I replied, confused as usual.

And so she told me all about the game. I think I got the gist of it: You had to steal some flappy stuff.

When we were finished, well, more when Mollos's throat finally got a rest from screaming for absolutely no reason, Meg told me all about our training and why we're here like we're safer here.

A horn sounded and so Meg dragged me outside, which was quite dark. I had barely noticed how long it had been. We found a campfire where everyone was gathered around, roasting marshmallows. 

"STORY TIME WITH LEO!" someone with curly brown hair and tanned skin with the grin of a prankster announced.


sorry, meg. But you gave me most of the description, so thanks. anyone else who reads this will be 100% confused so don't try to figure it out.

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