Nine ~ We Start The Quest

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"YEAH, BRING IT ON!" Mollos yelled.

"I'LL COME, JAWNLAWK! AND CORDANA IS A THING PEOPLES!" I didn't have to look to know that was Meg.

"What happened to this camp? I remember the time when there wasn't so much screaming," Annabeth sighed while reading her book about the five stages of grief.

I wasn't sure I was ready to go on one yet, as I had only been here for a couple of days. Apparently there's a lot of quests happening and I'll probably go on one, one day.

I looked down at my spear. I wondered if it would change back into a hairpin. I figured I would fiddle with it later. I now noticed that the spear was the same golden colour as the hairpin, except for the point of the spear, which was a pretty silver.

That was all. Nothing else fancy about it, apart from how smooth and clean it was. It didn't sparkle like a vampire, thank the gods.

"OH YEAH, GRAPE BOI IS COMING!" my head swivelled around to Alex and snorted.

"OOH THIS SHALL BE FUN!" I found Lyra screaming from the Zeus table. 

"Okay guys, calm down. I never thought so many people would be so excited to go on a quest," said Percy, "It's very dangerous."

"YOU SURVIVED ALL OF YOUR QUESTS!" Alyssa screamed at him. Would I ever hear her not screaming? I had yet to find out.

"Erm... yeah, that's true, sis."

"I want to go!" I was surprised when Chloe shot up her hand to volunteer.

"Chlo, you don't have to-" Percy began.

"I know, but I want to."

"What are we even looking for?" I asked. Some others nodded in agreement.

"Uh... I'm not sure exactly," Percy's forehead scrunched up.

"I-I think we may be looking for a charm braclet..." said Lenores. "I have been having dreams about it. This... thing has charms of each of the Olympians symbols. I don't know what it does, but I think it may be important," she explained.


"When will we leave?" Lyra asked, determination in her voice.

"I think we should leave by noon tomorrow," Percy said.

And it was all anyone could talk about for the rest of the day, people were making conspiracys on what this charm bracelet did, and which god stole it, while I sat in the Athena cabin, not caring much about this whole quest thing and trying to figure out if my spear would shrink back into a hair clip.

At last, I clasped the spear on both ends and shoved it to the middle, causing it to shorten into the hairclip. I smiled at it. It was cool to have a weapon that you could disguise as a hairpin. Plus, I should learn to pick locks, which it should also be useful for.

"JAWNLAWK!" I looked up to find Meg on an Ipad and earphones in her ears. She seemed to be watching something.

I frowned and took a book. With my lessons from Meg and brain wired for Ancient Greek, it was getting pretty easy to read. I shoved the hairpin in my hair and began to read.

I listened to people bickering, and decided I'd train with my spear tomorrow.

The next day, I found people packing. Meg couldn't give me my lessons, so Annabeth did that instead.

Then I started my training with my spear, not needing the bulky swords anymore. I pulled the hairpin from my hair, which until now I hadn't noticed that I had slept with it in there. I pulled it far open and like in Capture The Flag, it stretched out into a long spear.

I trained with Lenores, who had a leather sword, since not many people had spears, sadly. Since Lenores had more practise, I got knocked over quite a lot.

"I'm going to go," she said out of nowhere, while we were in the middle of a spar. It took me a moment to process what that meant. 

"You are?" I asked, surprised. 

She nodded, "Well, I think I may be able to figure out what this bracelet means."

"COME ON, WE'RE ABOUT TO RICK-ROLL THESE MONSTERS!"  I heard Alyssa's voice as she headed to the big house with Chloe and Meg. Grape Guy was walking a few meters behind. 

"You should go," I told Lenores. 

She looked at me for a moment before saying, "You should come too. You don't know much, so your scent will be weaker."

She walked off to the house, turning her sword into a charm bracelet. I followed and turned my spear into a hairpin, putting it in my hair, where I found everyone there, and Chiron giving directions.

"Where are we going?" I asked, a sudden excitement coursing through my veins.

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