Eight ~ We Get An Announcement

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The thing was huge. It had a horn on it's head we all froze in horror. I guessed it wasn't one of the hephaestsus kids' traps. 

"Erm... Grape Guy, whats going on?" I asked the nearest person to me, who happened to be that tall boy a couple of years older than me who was throwing grapes at the other team.

"That's a minotaur, it shouldn't be here, and I have a name," he replied.

Embarassed, I asked, "Um, what is your name?"

He snorted. "Alex, as if you care." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oof. I'm Samantha."

"Yeah, whatever."

"JOHNLOCK DOES NOT APPROVE OF THIS!" Alyssa screamed at the minotaur. 

The Minotaur turned towards her, bowed it's head, and charged straight at her. Alyssa dodged it at the last minute, leaving it stumbling around. I tried thowing my spear at it, but it dodged easily. It was now stuck in a tree, behind the minotaur, and I couldn't get to it.

"Didn't Percy kill the minotaur by taking off one of it's horns? Also, Al, the minotaur doesn't care about Johnlock," said Chloe, who, until now, I didn't notice her presence.

"WELL IT SHOULD!" Alyssa glared at Chloe with unnecessary intensity.

The Minotaur charged right at me, so I dodged as quickly as I could, but it followed me, unlike what happened to Alyssa. It was fast, I probably going to be dead meat in seconds.

"DODGE AT THE LAST MOMENT!" someone yelled at me. After a moment. I stopped and turned to the Minotaur. Everything seemed to happen so fast, I was sure I wasn't going to make it on time. I could feel my heart pumping in those veins in my neck.

I took a deep breath and when it was within a metre of me, I leapt to the left. It stumbled away, leaving me to breathe, my chest heaving. I looked around and noticed the spear in the tree. I wanted to grab it so bad, but I was worried that it might cause attention to the Minotaur. 

It seemed to be looking around at the others, I didn't know how many there were, but quite a few, it seemed. The Minotaur seemed to be choosing who to attack first, as everyone was staying still, worried that a single movement would cause it to attack them.

That was until Alyssa came in, screaming, "WILL'S FOOT!" causing some confused looks in her direction. She charged at the Minotaur with her sword. The Minotaur turned to her and charged. Alyssa dodged and went right around to stab it in his eye.

The Minotaur howled in pain before disintegrating away, but it's horns stayed.

"Someone must have summoned it here," someone said. Everyone nodded, but I didn't understand what they meant by that.

Out of nowhere, I heard much screaming as the Aphrodite and Iris kids were running towards us and sprinted across the river, holding up the flag of the other team.

"Wow," said Piper, looking around at how we were still here. "That was easy."

"THERE WAS A MINOTAUR!" Alyssa yelled, causing the Iris and Aphrodite kids to look around at each other.

"But how? No one would summon it, except the Ares kids," said Piper.

Meg and her group were coming down, Meg screaming, "JAWNLAWK!" I stared at her, trying to figure out if my ADHD had me imagining things, and making Alyssa look like Meg. "No one came, what happened?" asked Meg.

We told her the story of the Minotaur again. Then we went to the Mess Hall for a celebration feast. I was now eating at the Athena table, where we mostly just read. I had to admit I never thought I'd enjoy a book about weather, even reading about it in another language.

We continued to the burning food thing for the Gods before meals, though I still didn't get why we did it. Couldn't they just summon it up whenever they wanted?

Suddenly, Chiron came up and said, "Congratulations on the Athena side for winning, but we have a quest. A couple of days ago, Percy came to me, telling me a prophecy he heard from the Oracle. Percy, could you please repeat it?" he said.

Percy stood up and nodded. He repeated the same one I overheard him talking to Chiron about the other night, before sitting down again.

Chiron nodded and asked, "Seems that we have another quest for the Demigods. Who wants to come, bearing in mind that one may get lost on the way?"

There was a pause as everyone considered this.

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