Alastor looked embarasssed.

"I was only checking on the injuries that Charlie left on your stomach. You know that I would NEVER take advantage of you..." Alastor explained.

I sat up on the bed. I then shrugged.

"You have tried to take advantage of me before.." I reminded Alastor.

Alastor gnashed his teeth.

"Ah, But I won't do it again, I promise you, My love." Alastor spoke.

I giggled.

"I will be the judge of that." I replied.

I sighed, as the room went quiet for a moment. Soon, Alastor spoke to break the silence.

"Actually, my dear, I have important news for you." Alastor mentioned.

I looked at Alastor with curiosity.

"Yes?" I asked.

Alastor took a big breath in, and sighed. Which meant this wasn't good news. 

"As you know, Charlie and I had fought earlier..." Alastor mentioned.

I nodded. 

"well, she was so upset, she told me to get out of the hotel, and to take you with me. She told me to never return." Alastor continued.

I tilted my head to the right.

"Oh so we can't see charlie together anymore? I mean, I guess that's okay" I replied.

Alastor looked away anxiously.

"That's not all my dear..." Alastor spoke.

I was still looking at him.

"Charlie told me... that she never wanted to see you again... and if she sees you, she will kill you." Alastor finished.

I felt my heart stop in that moment. 

"You're lying?" I spoke, with a tremor in my voice.

Alastor turned his head to face me. 

"I wish I was, my love." Alastor replied.

I felt my face burn hot, and my eyes sting. My eyes began to burn, as tears filled them. I felt my nose run. I couldn't believe the news I was hearing. How could this happen? Why did this happen? I thought of Charlie as a mother or even a big sister. She was the one person who brought me in to a safe place, when I was lost. She cared about me. At least I thought she did. I felt the tears roll down my face. The pressure in my head was too much, so I began to ball my eyes out. Alastor slid over towards me, and wrapped his arms around me. I curled up into his arms, as if he were the last thing I had left in hell.

"It will be okay, my Dear. I am here for you now and I assure you, I will not leave you, ever." Alastor spoke into my ear.

I continued to cry in his arms.

(Vaggie's POV)

I was being squeezed to death by two people I recognized. I haven't had anytime to get my thoughts together. I am alive? But how? I was standing in place, baffled. This was a sudden regeneration. 

"C-Charlie?" I muffled lightly, trying to speak properly.

Charlie released me from her grasp and walked back a bit, Angel followed along with her. 

"Take a moment to recuperate, this must be really confusing to you." Charlie spoke.

I looked at Charlie and Angel. 

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