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She was depicted as the evil one
But she longed to be love by everyone

Robes black and a raven on her shoulder
To make her look much bolder

Once, she was a young girl
With smile as bright as a pearl

Then she met a young man
Whose name was Stefan

Their friendship grew
And blossom into something new

She believed that they were in love
But her dreams were crushed from above

He betrayed her by the King's order
Severed her wings but broke her heart rather

Her soul became dark as the midnight
And she vanished without a sight

Many years passed, Stefan found a lover
While she found hatred towards forever

He had a daughter
A pretty little thing that gives laughter

While he is living in the sunlight
She bowed to bring him into the darkest night

He took from her what was precious
So she will make night fall onto his precious

His daughter, Aurora will sleep until she finds true love;
Something she, herself proven unattainable to have

He will be cast into the sorrowful shadow
Like what he did to her years ago

A sweet vengeance is what she desires
For her bruised heart is now on fires


Their Hidden SideOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora