Chapter 12

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Carlos' P.OV.

He looked so beautiful, so handsome, just so darn good to look at. I'm so happy he showed up. I couldn't believe how the tingles were just shooting throughout my body when me and Cece were hugging. I was holding his hand, man it was so soft. I couldn't believe this moment was here. I feel like I've been waiting for it forever. I mean, kinda in a way.

Our eyes were locked and man, he had the biggest green eyes around. It fit him so much. I could get lost in his eyes... I think I already have..

Cece's face had turned pink, " Ok ok, you can stop staring now.. It's embarrassing you have to stare at such a gross face." He told me, as he covered his face up.

" No no Cece, don't say that," I told him softly, as I grabbed his hands and put them to his side, cupping his cheeks softly, " Cece, you're the cutest thing alive.. You have the clearest skin, your eyes are the purest green, you're just the definition of perfect. I don't wanna hear all the nonsense of you saying 'I'm ugly or gross' ok?"

Cece nodded and his face turned from pink to red, " Ok Carlos... Even though it might happen anyways."

I chuckled and smiled, " I'll just have to remind you each time that you are not. Now for the birthday boy, I got a surprise for you." I took out a bandana, " Here, turn around so I can put this on you." He giggled, but only for a second as he covered his mouth slightly and nodded.

He turned around and I wrapped it around his eyes and tied it enough for it to stay on his head, but not too tight to wear it could hurt him. I took his hand in mine, smiling like a goof. They tell you the tingles are always so intense with your mate, but I'd never imagine it would make me fall so deep, like really deep in love with him. It makes me wanna get to know everything about him. EVERYTHING! I want to make up for lost time and make things right, this time around, Imma do good.

" Ok Cece, follow me." I tugged him slightly and he seemed hesitant, " It's ok, you won't fall, I got you."

" I feel like I'm being led to my death." He snorted as he followed behind me.

I laughed, " If we're being technical, if I wanted to kill you, which I don't, wouldn't you think I would lead you to the woods?"

He hummed, " Hmmm true dat."

I lead him to where we've been setting up all morning. I hope he likes it.

Cece's P.O.V

I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous as hell!!! I couldn't keep up with my heart beating out of my chest. I was scared of where he was taking me AND the fact my knees are weak from all the tingles that keep shooting into my body everytime we touch. But in all honesty, I'm happy to be here. I wanna make this work, I want to be with my mate. Not be fake with someone else. I think I learned my lesson from that. I'm over that for real. NEVER AGAIN! I'm not sure how he's gonna take the whole.. Lucas and taking it too far with him.. Not sure, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

" Are we there yet?" I asked, trying to be annoying.

And he just laughed, " Yes we are." He let go of my hand and I felt him get behind me with his hands on the bandana, " You ready?" I nodded slowly, still pretty scared.

My heart was bumping super fast, I never knew it could do that. Have you ever ran like the mile in PE and you felt your heart beating out your chest and in your ears and you SWEAR you felt like you were going to die? Yeah, that's how I feel at the moment. I feel like I'm dying on the first lap and fucking upset I still have 3 more to go.

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